Sunday 15 December 2013


do you know,
no you dont
and i wont tell

penatkan hidup mengejar manusia. sbb tu sebaiknya hargai yang ada. sahabat dekat. keluarga handai. sape2 lah yang ade kat sebelah. pendek kata yang dah ada
buat lah pelangi sendiri.! serius mampu.
 takkan hidup sampai bila nak melukut je kan
kita mampu bahagia jugak!
biarlah apa yang dah jadi tu just part of kehidupan. 
kalau tak jadi, kita takkan ada pengalaman sepahit tu kan.
nama pun kehidupan.

find you own personal spot of hapiness

and im serching for my own now
biarlah org kata kita sombong
ntah2 tak perasan pown

ok im taking a paint now. would like to colour all the wall.
with my own colour
semoga ia hilang walau sayang
sebab sayang dan sakit, saya pilih sakit
untuk hilang
jadi sayang perlu jadi oppourtunity cost
mungkin bukan sekarang...
esok mungkin

Monday 25 November 2013

terpijak kaca buangan sendiri

tarik nafas..
tarik nafas..

"boring japp..jom scroll instag."
*scrolll *
*bunyi kaca pecah berderai. dan tak henti-henti. *
dan nafas pun tiba-tiba sesak.
sakitnyaaaa.. Allahuakbar.

it was the same. i was in on that chair. i put it up. without knowing how much it might hurt people.
and today i felt the same. or even greater.
for the torture that i tried to get rid from
say it thousand times, but i dont know what she did
and i fail in every "again-meeting"

I never stop asking why in the first place i was into it
when life simply normal without it.
but... i admit, when it was amazing with it!
but have to bear the tears,blood and hatred.
is it worth? for the feel that i have,
its not even

Astagfirullah halazim
aku telah dilambatkan dengan perkara ini
ya Allah, dengan sesungguh doa
tiada tempat terbaik dan selayaknya 
melaikan dibawah rahmat keampunanmu
tiada kasih selayak dan sucinya
melainkan kasih dan sayangmu
tiada harapan melainkan padamu
tiada kekecewaan
melainkan dicicirkan dari golongan syurga
dunia, sementara
dan kejadiannya untuk menyesakkan dada
kerana aku makhluk syurga
keturunanku berasal serba selesa
hanya bila dicampak kedunia
maka serba serbi tidak kena
maka aku mencari erti penat
supaya mampu berehat di kampung akhir.

bila Allah bertutur dengan cinta
aku belajar dengan payah dan duka
 dengan perit dan derita
di atas hamparan merah bercahaya
aku sesat dan buta

Monday 18 November 2013

just a thought

penat berlari. kejar apa pown tak tahu. cuma apa yang menguatkan kayuhan kaki, adalah cakap2 manusia yang mengatakan ini jalan sebenar. ini jalan para rasul. ini jalan para solihin, ini jalan suci, ini jalan para daei. ini jalan penghuni syurga. kata-kata yang diulang setiap halaqah.


tapi, bila menyelamai hiruk pikuk kehidupan manusia lain, mereka juga berjalan dengan cakap-cakap yang lain. bezanya,, cakap-cakap tu tidaklah kata jalan ini jalan para daei, jalan para solihin. tapi cukup sebagai, ini jalan orang berjaya, ini jalan orang yang membahagiakan kedua ibu bapa, ini jalan kekayaan dan bahagia, ini jalan zone selesa dengan susahpayah  hanya untuk diri sendiri , ini jalan selamat.

bohong tipu kalau aku tak berharap turut berjalan dalam jalan mereka. ahhhh... aku muda, aku bebas buat keputusan, kalau aku ambil jalan lain pun, takkan terkejarnya kakak usrah ku. takkan dibuangnya aku dari kamus kawan-kawan sehalaqah. paling tidak, aku mahu jadi mad'u sepanjang masa. aku habiskan wang ringgit dan masa manusia lain yang terkinja-kinja menginginkan kebaikan dan perubahan padaku.

.. sedangkan aku... alaa... setakat solat 5 waktu, tutup aurat, sudahlah tu. aku baca kot berita tv* nak tahu masalah ummah. hujung jumaat sedekahlah sikit 0.001% duit elaun bulanan. aku x miskin, dan x pulak terlepas  pahala sedekah. aku mengaji kot! aku solat hajat kot! hujung minggu aku lapang, aku ade berejam-jam masa untuk menjamin 4 flat sem ni. tak payah susah2 beli tiket flight sana sini semata2 nak bermesyuarat dengan insan mana-mana. bukan aku dengar sangat pown..steady apa. study mantap, duit pun boleh simpan, mak abah comfirm happy...belaja susah kot!


tapi..insan macam tu je ke aku nak jadi? bersepah kot orang grad. tapi satu hapak pown masalah ummah sendiri tak tau. buku anatomy tebal *crazy* tu pun mampu nak habiskan. mestilah kan, kata nak score. ceitt, Al-quran yang pakai sejak darjah satu pown, tak pernah ambil inisiatif nak move further selain mengaji page-page. sebab ape? sebab sape kesah weyy. unless lah aku student agama mesir sana. tapi aku kan akan mati. aku bakal berdiri depan Allah. masa tu, aku nak jawab apa. dengan hanya jadi manusia biasa-biasa di dunia, takkan aku dapat tempat luar biasa.

 aku takkan nak present jasa aku bahagiakan mak bapak aku je. dalam dakwah pown, mak bapak diorang happy jugak.

aku nak cakap aku score flat exam dengan bahagianya
weyy, diorang pun selamat grad macam aku, mungkinlah tak setinggi point aku, tapi selamatlah grad. perasanlah diorang struggle, tak macam aku yg ada banyak masa, tapi senang cerita diorang grad.

tanya dirilah,,,
mereka tidur sedikit, masa habis masa untuk ummah, duit, kehendak, tangisan, sakit pening...semua untuk manusia lain

aku habiskan masa window shopping sikit, study banyak, jalan sikit2, tidur lama sikit, skype lama-lama dengan insan a,b,c,....
x membazir...

dan dan aku pikir, ni kehendak sendirilah. selamanya, manusia kalau ajak berhujah, memang hebat. apatah lagi kalau tercalar egonya. ciss.. "engkau apa tau" "itu engkau, aku lain" "aku bukan orang macam tu" "hisy, tak retilah aku benda-benda tu. aku nak jadi baik ni pun dah struggle"
aku melihat dakwah ni menyentuh ramai manusia seperti itu sebelumnya. end up, larian mereka tersangat laju selepas itu. tak terkejar kadang-kadang. it just that they try to put aside segala alasan. mereka manusia sama ja. ada cita-cita, ada keluarga, ada kehendak.ada kekurangan kelebihan cuma alasan ja mereka tolak tepi. dan sedikit pengorbanan untuk tempah sebuah "tempat luar biasa".

dakwah tak bermaksud kau bersyarah 2 jam depan orang, kau berkain kehulur kehilir, kau kelek AQ sampai tidur, kau pakai 'ana''enti' bila bercakap. its just, kau tegah dan sampaikan! ambil tanggungjawab untuk sesuatu yang lebih baik. serius, bila kau mula fikir masalah "manusia lain" (kalau kau allergic with the word ummah), kau akan rasa, masalah diri  tak lah besar sangat. at least, not the only one. tengok jelah mak ayah kita. pernah dia abandoned korang sebab dia ada masalah peribadi yang dia nak fikir for the whole semester. kalau mak ayah student medic, die campak dulu anak-anak....sampai grad baru cari.. takk... takk..

sahabat, buanglah alasan. move a step foward, buka mata sikit.tinggalkan dan korbankan sedikit.
serius, mulalah dengan sedikit dulu. hulurkan tangan pada mereka dalam barisan ini. rasai sedikit sakit pening mereka-mereka ini. kau akan faham selepas itu. kalau kau terlalu lama bahaskan perihal lapang dan minat mereka tak berkerja kerana minat dan kerana ada masa lapang semata-mata. but its an urgency dan tuntutan. walaupun sedikit.

 Wallahi, kita akan mati! Wallahi, kita akan berdiri depan Allah!
beb,dengan hanya jadi manusia biasa-biasa , takkan  dapat tempat luar biasa

Wednesday 6 November 2013

owh future

was busy preparing stuff for tomorrow. test, adik2,diri and stuff, i cross by a post. owh so sweet it was. hahaha. just thinking if it was mine.

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Biah Solehah

sebuah surrounding, kita yang kene create. lepas keluar kisas. susah sangat nak rase mcm tu. mungkin ade, tapi x sehebat macam dkt kisas. kami dipaksa usrah, tapi tak pulak jadi masalah. pentarbiyahan tu rasenye ramai je yang menjadi. sekarang ni, berduyun2 org offer diri nak masuk usrah, tapi x mcm menjadi pun. kenape ea? saya rasa kerana biah solehah tu. walau sehebat mana pun seseorang tu menerima dakwah. selagi belum dicampakkan dalam erti praktikal, mcm buih je. kumpulllah usrah bab sabar sejuta kali. belum tentu on the day of event, kita sabar kannn

sesungguhnya ana rindu kisas tahap maksima. ana rindu diri ana yang dulu. 

Tuesday 22 October 2013


letak balik


kolej first

things that remarkable.

# 5 unique things in kisas : Biah,ukhuwwah, friends,teacher,tarbiyah
#ppearl of waqafan. dapat dh ke???
#kene masuk surau before coundown habis time maghrib. supaya x dicatit nama. terkejar2 nak berlari from dorm to surau. alhamdulillah dok ground floor. 
#subuh mesti berimam dengan imam pertama. second imam dengan makmum2 sekali, semua kene catit nama. aku lah yg dok catit tuu. 
#JAKSA: jawatan kuasa solat awal.
# BADAR KISAS, pentarbiyahan paling mantap!
#mesti bertudung labuh kemana2. walau ke tandass!
#handsock pakai sbb nanti muslimin tegur. ooppss. tapi sikit je tu. banyaknye sbb mmg nak menjaga aurat
#ada tangga muslimin and muslimat. muslimin kisas gentle man sangat untuk reverse if muslimat dah start naik/turun. no selisih2.
#bila lau depan certain ustaz, muslimat tend untuk tunduk sbb dengarnye ustaz tu kasyaf.
#bila nak pass benda kecil2, kene selit dekat buku so that x tersentuh
#semua asing kecuali kelas.
#baju preppp unggu. dulu bercita2 nak kahwin pakai baju prep. mana tau dpt muslimin kan, senang satu suite
#dalam class senyappp amattt, everywhere library.
#kami berbaris dalam saf everytime, even perhimpunan
#doa wehdah every morning before berjihad dengan exam. its soooo touching and inspiring!
#cikgu adalah perkara yang sangat suci kat kisas. we will prepare everything or them. and kalau cikgu lalu is like VVVIP lalu. all people need to make way for them. i love this part and till today it marks
#name card ikut warna rumah
# i loss my ketua pelajar name card which suppose to preserve for my anak cucu T_T
#inspectionnnn: licin habis bilik. thats why i was wondering when seeing kmb mcm rileks. but still ad jugak org rasa kmb is tough. u really need to join kisas nye inspection
#kain jumaat!!!

Tuesday 15 October 2013


"maybe you're the one who gone missing"

it arch me. did i? i do realize some kind. but i though that what makes everything better. a space for you. and a second for me to recover. replenish into a new. detaching my self. but how can we stop a shine from inside. so i fly my prayers over to you. from yard distance. hoping it surround and warm you every time.

At the end, im just a human who cant see beyond the starts. He'll give you a better journey.

Saturday 5 October 2013

its was for you. and mend for you

Seriously, i didn't remembered since when this have been letters, untold letters to you. because im too afraid to have it to your sight and ears. i assumed to much maybe. but what more can u expect from me? u toured your way away. and i was left last. i give almost everything, that i felt and shared almost every view that cross my sight. still, it seems that as if we shared different windows. did u know that it touched me? i felt deserted and betrayed..

but i guess i've played my very best rolled to appear bright to you. peering your way, even it means that i need to break my limb. did u saw that? no, i dont think so...i've tried my very best to detached. i cried with the very last tears that i could have. and u know its not that easy. having u around now wasn't the same anymore. were speaking with different language. if u know. i am shouting blood inside. but the only thing u saw is smile. Allah, i really want to tell this person almost everything. but why i just cant. please,,, since when did i drew all the distance. since when im putting all the assumption on you? since when im taking care of every letter i speak. u know, its not that i found someone else. only if u know, how much u cant be replaced. but i need to. and i still doubt. a question from you being rushed with thousand probability. and i hate that kind of way.

but please
never guess how much trust i've put in you. i dont know if anyone near ever love u as much as how i do.


Friday 27 September 2013

i promise not to talk this to anyone.

suddenly my tears drop so fast and i dont know why. i felt something inside that call me just to cry. helplessly. because i didn't know whats the matter around. because a hug means so much and i long for one. didnt anyone notie it? how hard i keep u guys in my hug. didnt anyone realise it?
 u know, a telephone call could not pay  this.

im sad
for no specific reason..

Sunday 22 September 2013

Assalamualaikum hati

its been almost 2 weeks now. from yesterday me to a today me.
seriously, i  shouldn't be in any shoes that lies right in front. but who knows. despite the mud that i've been wallowing day and night. but i don't know either this is a gift or a bomb that will blast me off at the end of day. anyway, i just like the sanity of those weeks. and the people around. some starts to uncover their off-stage petals. 
owh Allah,

Monday 19 August 2013

been ravenclawed

being in split
being inside and out
running in a wet gown
it drag and slows the steps
she fell, crawl towards the door
she saw another window
and then came a hunter. pulling her leg
breaks her ankle

she shouts
and all of sudden the hue swirl in a deep dark globe

now what left?
she cried for the day event
not for the bereavement
she knows it will knock tomorrow. 
unless breath envy her next second

now what?

dearest beloved bella, for your tears, is so priceless. why would u invest for the sadness episode. 

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Ana x kesah pown ape yg jadi. But im sad the way u put me behind. Just becuase u said ur busy with dnt. And happens to be ana bukanlah geng dnt anti. Kalau mcm tu baik takpayah kenal dnt. Kan? Sbb dulu, kita boleh share hal2 ni same2. Without any hard feelings. KitE boleh share kite penat berkerja tanpa perlu cover2 pown. Boleh sedih and gembira sama2. But then y did this dnt takin you apart from me. Did i do the same thin to you before?. U saidso manysweet worda before. And i askedyou to stop. Because i predict this day. U didnt mean all those words kan?. U just say it.kan?

Ana teringin nak cerite. Mcm dulu2. But i know u have someone else. U have all sorts of bigsister to help you out. Sapelah kite ni kan. Wuwuw sadisnye ayat. I hope that u could know this. But theres no way u will. Maybe mmg salah ana jugak. Those days. But how could you. Sedih ni tau. Sampai hati korang. Koranglah the only geng yg ana ade. I thought u guys treasure that. 

I like the way we were before. If u act suddenly different, then i know someone leaks this out.

paper on the grass

Subhanallah, lately ni berjalan kesana kemari. senang cerita belum ada satu hari saya duduk diam. ade je aktiviti. Alhamdulillah, saya menyukai kesibukkan sebegini daripada kekosongan yang pastinya saya isikan dengan hal-hal kelalain.  i just aren't strong enough to resist it! and know what, im improving my driving skills and i love it! coz thats mean im over one of my fear. people around have been helping me lot with making me memorize roads and stuff. say what Alhamdulillah. I've been delivering some talk which acually forcing me indirectly to do some research and books that i read super fast! which i didn't do it before. Alhamdulillah. just another thing that im still working on it. insyaAllah in this ramadhan. gonna fight it so hard!

i just wanna share a figure that ive been thinking about few days back.

 its a wall that lie the greatest inside. i was outside. i was trying to be attractive enough so that im able to pull some other human into the wall. and i stayed outside. hoping for another door to be open. there will i see Rasulullah, Abu bakar and the list goes on. theres people into the wall by me but they stick to me. and my duty is to make them feels the present of Allah just because of Allah. nothing to do with me. i'll remain a only a reason

its just that, im start to miss all my dearest friends. classmate, college mate. funny when all of them happen to be the same group of people. by Allah, i love them so much. despite who they are. whatever they were. ill never build any bricks between us. people said too much and alot. i have a agroup of people which i work with. i love them. but it wont be the same when im with them. i just hope that, they will not leave me behind. just because im somewhere else. im happy for them. if happens to be they really leaving me behind. indeed Allah, my prayers for them will never stop. and same goes to the word love. i just miss them. and i dont think that's a sin.

yesterday, while talking,i sense their hand. on mine. saying "keep moving foward" and thats cause me to continue.

Thursday 27 June 2013

being someone

being someone is being me
being in that place is somewhere
to have the position is to have the chance
to have a new perspective of life

being someone is being me

Datin Seri Nur Sakinah!

me with the dearest dayang infront of our alhambra

Wednesday 26 June 2013

tarik diri

keputusan saya
owh belum...pemikiran saya
tarik diri keluar. jadi badan bebas. tapi akhirnya nak kemana?
saya tak jumpa kasih dalam tu. saya nampak ramai pentingkan diri sendiri.sayapown.
belum mampu nak bazikan masa itu kesana
 kenapa manusia tidak tertarik? apa masalahnya? setakat ini tak pernah salah lagi apa yang saya dengar. tapi...
itu kelemahannya yang saya rasa. tapi takde tindakkan ke?
saya nak cakap dengan siapa? dia pown bawak diri
lagi sorang family first

serius saya nak keluar
jadi badan bebas
saya nak masa saya sendiri
saya nak tolong
saya tak mahu jadi apa-apa
tapi saya ade pemikiran saya
ok now apa yang saya nak sebenarnya?

Monday 24 June 2013

i was

sincere at the moment i wrote everything.

when the sound rolls

Hailahhh,,,sapa yang nak rasa bersalah sekarang. this song keep on repeating in my head. dah lah bukan lagu tarbawi. hurm..ntah..tarbawi ke tu? ntahlah, tak taulah. sbb aku mmg cerdik bab buat alasan. boleh je lagu mileycyrus tu buat jadi lagu tarbiyah. PROVIDED! awak paham..howky but lagu ni bukanlah mileycyrus punye. 
adoi, mengeluh je tahu. bukan mengeluhlah tgh cari solusion lah ni.(see i said just now i really superjunior genius buat alasan).

aku bukan type suke lagu2 nie. teringat time hingusan+comot dulu. ya suka sangat bukak radio. aku satu hape pown tak tahu. but my sentimental value tinggiiiiii sangatttt (read :dengan harakat mcm mad arid lil sukun ea). each songs that plays, i mean the one that i remembered normally it comes with a story behind. thats why nomally paling lama pown boleh tahan dalam sebulan dua. sbb lepastu cerite tu habis. unless, im the one who creating the story. acewahhh....mcm im the actor, you the director. lalalala. basically mcm tulah. songs sounds really shapes my emotion. (obviously im an emotional person already, sound tu kasi high sikitlah). Allahuakbar, ntah sejak bile im being so-red-person. but  the green still grooming. winkwink.

ok, kisah yang terbaru ni. im trying to stay out of tv. maksudnye takmaulah tgk tv sangat. walaupun aku mmg bukan kakit v. sbb aku tak mampu bersabar dengan iklan yg panjang berjela tu. kisah tu adelah sikit2 kene ngan hidup ni. actor je lain. dng adelah plot2 yang mcm taklogic nak masuk kisah reality aku. but most of it i think bolehlah. 

i can cry, just come to think bout it. sedih dengan diri sendiri. ape ye masalah aku? ape kurang lagi dalam pentarbiyahan hidup ni? dah matikah hati? apa pasal aku mcm ni ye? ok mode sedih ON. tak, bukan apa, sedih sbb peristiwa yang berlaku tu mcm menunjukkan im still yet to step on that stand and level. after all the things i did. im yet to. kenapa org lain sekejap je? kenapa aku lambat sangat? ape yang dia buat aku tak buat? prgjfvnsdjfsmcdsmcds...tanye soalan mcm aku tahu blogspot ni nak ckp "untuk soalan 1 sila tekan papan kekunci A untuk jawapan" terkjut berok jugaklah kalau die cakap.

i dont know when i can be me. i dont want me yg skrg. me yg lebih baik lah. ke im just being super imaginative.arghhh...susahlah nak cari partner nak berbincang soal hati dan perasaan ni. aku anti sikit bab2 ni. its not because im hati keras. try mee! its just that, i need sometimes to build that trust. aku mmg banyak cakap. but try berapa ramai aku ckp pasal sapa aku suka. sapa aku admire.masalah yg bakal menjatuhkan kemachoan ku. hok hok..bukan tu lah. tapi in a way lebih kurang mcm tulah. tak menikkan iman stakat bincang sapa kita admire.

just because, i already create my own. and i only need limited anyone to enter it.

erm..ok enough of that. 
and the sounds plays..

Tuesday 11 June 2013

sebuah kerugian apabila perasaan yang dikandung oleh seorang daei yang membuatkan dia terlalu sensitif hanya kepada perkara-perkara kecil sehingga menganggap perkara2 peribadi sebagai sebuah isu yang besar.
seorang daei perlu lebih laju keluar dari zon peribadi dan mula memikirkan hal umat.  salurkan perasaan mu kepada idea dan amalan-amaln membangunkan ummat dan agama.

pada peringkat ini, segala amalan peribadi telahpun berada dalam lingkungan baik menanti hanya untuk dierbaikkan lagi yang akan bergerak seiring dengan pembangunan manusia sekitar.

jadilah seekor harimau yang buas!
tahan lasak

Friday 7 June 2013

i rarely post without reasons.
semoga Allah redha
dan beri tempat berteduh yang baru


finish checking my result just now. Allahuakbar. Alhamdulillah
here goes the stage 3 medicine
bring in on

Wednesday 5 June 2013

making it my way

its not that i want to put you aside. its just that i think we both need time. 
no no no, its me...only perhaps. 
i need time to learn and understand. 

kehidupan berjalan seperti biasa
namun salah kita mentafsir keadaan
sungguh unik dan menarik

to understand it in a very hard way.
when ur weakness became something that is so vivid and definite
u tried to flee
u thought u've make-ff so hard and fast
to keep it low 
everything was smooth and silky
like hairs
sometimes it tousled
so i comb and mend it
i thought i mend it
but it wasn't

im trying to find the old and stronger me
i know that i have no one but Allah
the one that i need to chamber all my love and trust
lock deep in
so that
even though i let it go forth
i know i have kick-off it


someone out
i need a hand
to mend my defective heart

Saturday 1 June 2013

a chance

i think, thats the key. of experiencing a new segment of life. a chance. to show what they worth. so on. people and life. dont hook or shut the door when the lights aren't there. might be still at night. who knows. open a little bit. will i?

yes i wil?

thanks :)

Wednesday 29 May 2013

a very long letter for she who i miss

this, the above things, are my unspoken words for you. yes you. a you that i've spend much of my blog post for. a you that cause a whole new world for me. for my heart. for the view that im seeing through this eyes. towards love. yes love. thousand times would i like to shout it out. about love.

before, i made a dua. to understand what loves is. you know, my life previously, was only me. everything was only me. from the main character. to the last worker. it was me. theres none others in my dictionary. dont ask me why. because i wouldnt want to blame my past history pages that i drew back days. still, those are the chapters that shape me towards who i am today.

still. alhamdulillah. i say the dua. i ask Allah, to find me a friend. a lifepartner. you know how silly a girl can be. that  was what being portrayed in the life common life scenario. source of human love. its just family, and a life partner. and thats the day i was hoping for that. i was saying that in my dua. and you know what.He never appear. i found of many people in the middle. i thought it was you. i even wrote a diary, to share all the experience.. i was walking all the way. and i notice none. no boys. or gentleman ever made me understand hat loves is. because the love that i was searching for is different. maybe also because of time. that it still didnt suits me and my age.maturity.

but i still need to know what loves is. what it is to care for someone. what it is to sacrifice. im tired of me being me every single things. im ready to give. but none i found, that makes me to give all hearted. because it didnt came with love.can i say that?

the other side, you was saying the same prayers. u were hoping .. to go through all the sadness and dark. a hug. a hand. a smile. someone to mend the broken pieces. and those faith u put in Allah. about the dua. how can i know this? the letter that u wrote.

and i think Allah grant us in the very best way. it happen last semester. do you remember?

it was exam. and i was so empty. frustrated. and suddenly. it was just a sudden. i dont know from where. the momment i saw. i feel. and it knocked my heart.  i will never able to explain it even to you. how much i care and love you. all of sudden.

never in my life.thinking about someone first more than myself. more than my studies which is everything before. never in my life. to hug and saying those things sincerely. never in my life to cry and care so much about a person. but it all change for you. did you saw that? i dont know what happen to me. it just that i wanna give you everything that i have eventhough it means that i will loose something in my life. nothing more precious than having a friend like you. did you realise it? tak pernah begitu tersiksa hidup seperti merindui anda sewaktu anda terlalu jauh dari saya. perhaps you never notice it at first because u did mention it to me. but i was the one who start to realise it. im the one who being touchered. everyday. sehingga sampai satu hari, i just wanna take you out from my life. sbb penangan the word love is so great that somethimes you justs didnt think about yourself even a minute. subhanallah. Allah, i know this is love. this is the love that i was hoping and praying for. the feel that i want to experience. and to understand it. indeed i do. it  wasnt from a guy. its from a friend, girl. sebab Allah tahu dan maha kuasa. i wouldn't have the strength if it wasnt her.

ana tak tahu nak cakap mcm mana. but i care for you so much. whenever i say always. it really mean. i hope this will not scared you. i know sometimes it sound as if im someone obsessed. but im not. it just that im happy to be with you. i keep on asking Allah, why of all people. it was you. we didnt share the common things. he didnt even put us in the same boat. sakit sangat anti. but insyaAllah mesti ada hikmah. im just hoping that you will let me care for you. to love. i just want you to know that whenever ur feel low, im here all the time. to listen and help. im happy when u want to share. talk. because it means that i can give.

ana berani ckp. ana tak pernah mintak it was you. i just randomly pray. and i dont know why it was you. when u said ur about to hilang. i was os sad. because it mean that i need to stop from giving. but i know theres still a duty for you. that ill keep on . thanks so much for letting me in. to mend something inside. eenthough i didnt solve it. at least you know that ur not alon. that good enough.

till today, i believe, Allah is answering the prayer for both of us. because we meet before. we talked before. but both of us were in different world. i never care or thought bout you. u were never in the list. just as a passerby.

so short of time so limited of second. soon, we will really be leaving each other. of me in here. of you out there. i dont now how the day will come. i hpe this last momment that we have. at least, we can both make the best pictures together. that soon, it will remain forever. because im afraid, this feeling that Allah gave,,,sementara cuma. ada hari tarikh, it will vanish. the day that we will be like before. but both of us did get what we want. the lesson. the moment. perfect

till we meet again.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

an thats the answer

Allahuakbar, rasenye mcm baru je tadi menulis.
because im bad in rephrasing so i just quote. i know this person is talking about her long longing for a husband. which not in my case. but still, ada ibrah yang Allah mahu saya sedar.

if Allah were to give to you one thing, Which one would you choose?"
She opened up the palm of her right hand and said,
Then she opened up the palm of her left hand, and said,
"A husband"

I was at a standstill.

No words came out of my mouth.
And tears quickly flowed down my cheeks.
And I said immediately, "Heaven ya Allah. Your Heaven."
Dr. Peeds tapped my hands with her two hands and I understood what she meant.

All this while I was looking for a man and have been maintaining that I was doing it for the sake of Allah. Yes I haven't cross any unlawful boundaries. But my persistence and frustrations and feelings about it have shown that I have strayed from my initial target, which is Allah himself. I have been so obsessed on the "man", that Allah, the one who's actually making the man appear or not, is lost in my obsession. Yes I am making the effort that every muslim should make to get what they want. And that Allah as He says in the Qur'an will reward only those who makes the effort. But results have shown that with all the efforts that I have made and all the outcomes that Allah had made happened..., I haven't really been all that accepting have I? I haven't been accepting Allah's decrees. I haven't been accepting Allah's flow of life for me. I basically have just been sulking all these time, haven't I?

so thats was me. being sulking all this while..
sekiranya benar niat kita kerana Allah, pasti akan diberi kemudahan. walaupun dengan kesusahan. kerana bagi setiap kesusahan ada kemudahan. Allahuakbar,,,

from now on, focus your strengh and intention just for Allah. reclaim your heart sakinah. insyaAllah everything will be fine. benda yang hilang tu bukan awak punye. kalau awak punye pown, biarkan Allah yang menyimpannya. bukan semua benda perlu ada dalam pandangan awak. saya halalkan apa yang hilang. kerana semua tu pinjaman Allah. saya hanya menjaga. bila awak hilang, saya mencari bagai nak gila. saya lupa, awak pun Allah yang punya. kalau Allah mahu, sudah tentu disampaikan pada saya. tapi awak hilang di tengah jalan. 

Allah, perkara ini boleh saya lepaskan. ada perkara yang saya belum cukup kua untuk lepaskan. semoga setiap ujian itu yang mampu saya tanggung.



sehingga bertemu, sekiranya bukan disini, didaerah yang lebih indah dan abadi. bila? bila-bila :)

Finally, i let it go

scrolling,frustration, sadness, hoping for the whole month. i think May was the month.
After all those tears and unspoken crave.after all those soundless music, tear-less cry
i decided, THATS IT

this is the last point ill go. im returning back and walking to the path which i left last April. i've send an eagle to fly for me. if that give me a reply, then ill proceed with the plan. if not. that's it. 

im no longer going to put any effort.

InsyaAllah, this is the best for me and future. i just think as if that wasn't mine and i didn't even used to have it. it was just didn't mend for me. the things that i threw. the disappointment was just because it appear during my exam week that cause me not-to-book. I can only get back 4 days before exam day which is a disaster for a medic student.i mean for me.

and i was struggling like a corpse.huh?
penatt oiii!! dah lah sem tu mcm..... 
anyway Alhamdulillah, someone was there all the time with me. and u know how much i hate to walk alone. though i didn't mention this to many. a person is enough. thanks ;)  

if truly it was mend for you, no matter how hard you try to run from it, it yours. and it will return to you no matter what.i believe this.i keep on saying this to many . how come it didn't work for me. it must work. insyaAllah

did u ever saw a women by the cliff
she jump
people think shes dead,
but then u saw a hand gasping for a help
it was the women who jump
and no one ever realize it
but do you know how can i know and retold you this?
someone told me
it was a person that belief.
A person
all it takes is a person
the one who put faith that the women wouldn't want to die
a small friend that belief there's hope, and tomorrow for her.
she decided to stay
and she was the one holding her hand
pulling her up
wipe all the dirt
and today, stand still that women on most stage
theres aww and claps everywhere
but who knows..
thats small friend was the the one behind the chapters in her next page

for those...for me
i thank Allah for sending me all those fairies
yeah all the fairies.
Only Allah knows how much i treasure each and everyone of you
the one who struggle when i layback
the one who awake when i asleep
the one who pray when i curse
syukran jazilan :)

Friday 24 May 2013

kayuhan kaki siapa

tanyakan hatimu, pada siapa ia berteduh.
tanyakan hatimu, pada apa ia kukuh
tanyakan hatimu

diam. senyap.sunyi

dia punya jawapan. telah terllu lama rasanya. sakit.penat. berteduh bukan pada tempatnya, maka kau lihat pelbagai lubang kecewa. ditampal dengan pengharapan, sekali lgi ia punah. mungkin sekali, atau kedua kalinya mampu buat kita rasa bahagia. namun sampai bila?

berteduhlah pada yang kekal. pada sumber rasa kasih. pada yang menjadikan. pada yang memberi tanpa meminta. pada yang menghargai. pada yang setia menunggu. pada yang tidak jemu melihat dan mendengar. setiap keluhamu.

bukan mudah. aku tahu. namun,,,sampai bila kayuhan kakimu mampu menwmbawamu kepada yang tidak kekal. sampai bila kudrat tubuhmu mampu menawan cantiknya ajaib dunia. sampai bilakah umurmu milikmu?

buat diri, masa ini terlalu panjang untuk kau mengenali susur galur yang layak menerima. masa ini terlalu banyak untuk merancang syurga nerakamu.
please make me strong. do break this attachment!

walking on line

of love. we spend thousand hours with them, but yet it feels less than a minute second.
we walk thousand miles away, but my heart sees you just in front. my legs never hurts that limits my kilometer. but yet the nature shortens it..
of love, the heart and pain, the tears and smile, the lesson and wise.

of love, the teacher of the whole life
of doing in making
every wall and chain guards your sight.

May Allah protect you always.Guiding you towards the light. helping your feet to stand still on line. nourish your heart with love and care. building you up a new human.
 which i hope you wouldn't drag me this far.

bring me back...

of things that never ever i hope to happen.  of standing on this land back. on tears that i burst at the first sight. and the love that i left behind. i was jumping from trees to trees and hoping to gasp for the loss one. if i could define it. is it lost or not even there? gosh, of jumping and miss. this feeling which i could trade it with anything just to get rid out of it. it hurts and a burden on me. really a burden. why do people stay? why do people love? why do people interact?

you know for those words that i spit out. i knew the answer but still its to hard to be explained and to be understood at least for me. just pray for the best. just pray for the heaven where i wish to stop walking.
Anyhow, alhamdulillah, for being here and also there. the land of love and the land of mission. ill never understand the condition of my heart. how serious and critical it was and is. but i know its deteriorate condition. im sick. im loss. im in a maze which i wall myself

please, give me back my life and heart, whoever you. bring me back what once was mine.

Monday 22 April 2013

politics and me

i never wish to write about politics because im not  an expert and i know it. tapi insyaAllah, saya reti hal2 akhlak ni. not even me, my adik sekolah rendah pown tahu. Subhanallah, wahailah pilihanraya...boleh tak cepat sikit...because im being very shy towards other people or maybe other country when they see how dangkal pemikiran rakyat. buruknya Akhlak kita sesama muslim. dimana kesepakatan kita? u know this is why melayu x pernah maju dalam perniagaan. bila mana die nampak another brother tgh naik sama, they will pull them down because they will only want to win themselve. it so wayyyy different from how other races are. bila kita nak belajar?

sungguh 50 tahun memerintah negara, nyata pemikiran masyarakat terlalu banyak perlu dididik. bukan sahaja  yang sedang memegang tapok pimpinan, malah semua parti yang claim that they have a leader with them. what have you guys did towards this ummah? towards the nation?

segeralah pilihanraya,
kita berebut mahukan kerusi.
sehingga lupa adab duduk bersila

bangsaku, terlalu banyak perlu kita belajar
50 tahun merdeka, kita belum mampu mengenal jati diri
kita hanya berkejaran ketempat aspirasi ciptaan manusia lain
sampai bila?
segeralah pilihanraya...
sahabat di palestin perlukan doa
saudara di syiria menanti bantuan
isu sunni dan syiah belum pun berkesudahan


once upon a

Flower gleam and glow,
let your power shine,
make the clock reverse,
bring back what once was mine,
Heal what has been hurt,
change the fate's desing,
save what has been lost,
bring back what once was mine,
what once was mine.

bring me back the cloud and the river which i saw every second
bring me back the wind that blew swiftly my hair
bring me back the and that i stand firm on it
bring me back what once were mine

Friday 19 April 2013

for the songs that we shared
for the stories that we end together
for the path that we join
for the minute and second
i cant thank Allah more 
giving me the chance to know you
to share and to colour
to learn the value of sacrifice

because personal date is so lame
so i write this for no occasion

Tuesday 16 April 2013

its tuesday, and i have arabic class

and when i have arabic class...i feel happy...and nothing..

uaaalllsss...kami nak periksa sudah. gosh how 1 year flew just like that. cek cepat ape bende dah buat tahon nie? tidak ade ape ape.
huaaaa...yang pelik bin hairan is, i keep on doing the same thing which i also did  last semester mase exam. but then after exam spirit tu pown hilang. adoiii...maybe we just need to wait kan. umi pown kate tunggu. ya pown malas nak pg view site. so fineeee...ill do myself lah kan. betul ke? buruk sungguhlah perangai. ok what...
ok whatsoever, semoga apa pilihan hati ini sesuai jugak dengan kehendak Allah. cewahhh suspens gitew. nolah. anything yg tgh cross ur mind better cut it up faster. nothing to do with that. im muda still and i dont layak lagi. ni bende lain.
anyway...i cant deny how exited i am. cepatlah habis exam!

another thing is that i cant wait is to demolish that kind of feeling that i have developed since this semester i could say. because my hypothesis is my family. so, perhaps it works. if not, then mmg i was fated for her.

thats all those mumbling

a very special poster that i dedicated to 2 different people that undergoing two different things. persamaannya, saya sayang keduanya. we always tend to see people. reflect on them. and learn in the same time. but most of the time, we forgot to put it in yourself. our life.our path..

Sunday 14 April 2013

bila rindu

Aura yang memecah semesta
Menyampaikan pesan kesunyian dikala sendirian
Kesepian menyelubungi hari-hariku
Disajikan dalam doa-doa rindu
Yang menanti kau datang dan pergi
Seperti mimpi-mimpiku fantasiku
Bukan dongeng lagi yang sayup kedengaran
Disisi cuping di setiap corong
Lorong yang lohong
Benar ku tak bohong
Bila hati menyanyi

Wednesday 20 March 2013

angin yang menderu tidak tahu bila datang

Assalamualaikum, saya berminat nak berkongsi sebuah lirik lagu from saff-one perjuang. saya kurang menyukai lagu ini pada pedengaran kali pertama apabila saya lihat pada sebuah video kiriman seorang sahabat. well, it sound a bit old. i mean the way they arrange the music and perhaps the way they sang it. however, i heard something as i keep on repeating it again and again. Allah, it's so beautiful. aren't it? yes it is (my sincere opinion).

Terdapat sebahagian manusia yg Allah beri nikmat kefahaman memikirkan masalah umat. Nikmat berpaut sebentar pada jalan dakwah warisan para Anbiya'
Bergembiralah kamu wahai si segelintir. 
Maka selepasnya juga jangan lupa menangis, akibat tanggungjawab ini. kita bakal berdiri untuk ditanya.

Perjuangan itu gerun dan mengerikan
Hebat dan dasyat menggerukkan hati
Bagi mukmin di sini harga dan nilainya 

Perjuangan itu bagai sampan di laut
Di atas lapang tiada perlindungan
Di bawa air melambung dan menggunung
Menongkah gelombang yang datang melanda

Kiri kanan depan dan belakang
Angin yang menderu tidak tahu bila datang
Hujan badai yang datang menyerang 
Bak singa yang lapar yang garang

Kadang-kadang terdampar di batu karang
Penumpang menerima nasib berlainan
Ada yang jatuh ada yang tenggelam 
Yang pandai berenang berpaut ke sampan

Ada yang berjaya berenang ke tepian 
Sekali lagi dia melayar sampan
Walau pelayaran mungkin tidak berjaya
Namun harapnya hanya pada yang esa


Tuesday 19 March 2013

bukan salah kami bercakap bahasa yang tidak kalian fahami

Monday 18 March 2013

sedang ragu-ragu hati ini
Allah, disaat itu kau tarik dia dari aku
siapa lagi yang tinggal?

hingga masa itu

harini, aku tamatkan pergantunganku pada manusia. sifat itu aku hilangkan dan diamkan sehingga masa yang sepatutnya.
Allah, kurniakanlah aku seoang sahabat. sahabat dalam erti kata sebenar. tiada ragu dalam hatiku bila bersamanya. dia mengizinkan aku untuk menyayanginya, dan menyayangiku. kami diam, namun kami berkata-kata dalam bahasa kami sendiri. kami mengutamakan satu sama lain. kami berjalan seiring, sehingga aku manjadi saksi syurga buatnya.
bukan kerana aku tidak biasa sendiri. kerana payahnya jalan ini, aku memerlukan dia. sama seperti Musa memerlukan seorang Harun

all it takes

is a person

semoga sempat kita bertemu


Salahkah, sekiraya aku cintakan tarbiyah dan jalan ini?
salhkah sekiranya ku bersikap liberal dalam soal kumpulan-kumpulan bergerak
salahkah sekiranya aku menyayangi semua yang ada dijalan cinta ini
salahkah sekiranya aku mahu berjalan seiring dengan semua walau ape kasut mereka sekali pun
salahkah kerna aku berada disini.
salahkah sekiranya ku tidak punya alasan kerana berada disini.
Demi Allah, aku tidak punya alasan 
benar tiada alasan lain melainkan aku selesa bersama kumpulanku
aku bergerak lebih laju pada pikiranku disini
mereka sebati dengan perlakuanku
mereka memahami aku

jangan bermain dengan perasaan ku
aku luar dari jangkaan kalian.
sifatku ku belum pernah difahami sesiapa.
hanya mereka yang hmpir. itupn terlalu sedikit.

sakit teralalu sangat
apabila kalian meremehkan ku
hanya kerana aku disini
tidak bolehkah kita berjalan sekali?
ape kurangnya aku pada kalian..kerana kesanggupanku kah? atau kerana kemampuan aku untuk belajar?

Kemanakah adab kita?
kemanakah kasih sayang kita?
kemanakah matlamat kita?
kemanakah langkah akhir kita?


Wednesday 6 March 2013

aina, farah, syuhada

Tuesday 5 March 2013

hidup ni biar bermaruah
takperlu kot terkejar dan mengambil pelagi yang sah2 bukan pown kita punye
kalau mmg kene dengan musimnya
pasti bertiup sendiri
tak perlukan kipas. 
kan? hee

Monday 25 February 2013

hik hik

dearest all makcik2 outside there,
presenting this matsalleh. he's notlah actually, his from bosnia but was raised in USA. im so the lazy to tell everyone or anyone in detail about him. so makcik2 boleh tanye sheikh google. type FATIH SAFERAGIC.
Subhanallah, he was soooo goood. of courselah the first thing that pop up to our mind was his good looking what more with a very pleasing quran recitation and yet he still young. ohoi., ana rasa ana pown tua lagi dari dia

sabar..sabar..mari berfikiran rasional dan baik sikit. tarbawi. Subhanallah, nampak tak mcm mana manusa ni berlumba-lumba nak masuk syurga Allah. macam mana mereka ni strive to gain redha Allah. ni baru sikit. ntah2 dekat pelusuk afrika sana..sape tahu.Allah. perlu sangat ana rasa untuk kita rajin bermasyarakat dan bergaul dengn org lain. seriously, when we just confine our thought to only us and not others we thentd to have this thought that we have done enough. we think that the deeds that we made have succesfully capture his Redha. when its tootaly wrong. that why its important to keep on reading the sirah so that you'll know how hard the sahabiah had stived just for the sake of Allah.

i know i do very least :(

I'll do more after this okay

Wednesday 13 February 2013

i just think the picture is so lawa

Tuesday 12 February 2013

I don't wanna feel
The way that I do
I just wanna be 
Right here with you
I don't wanna see 
See us apart
I just wanna say it straight from my heart
 I miss you, 
I do


Tuesday 22 January 2013

love letter

i really need someone that i could tell everything....

memmang terbaiklah when i read it..keluar lagu bunga-bunga cinta (asmirandah & dude herlino).

for those who really knew and observe me, know that this song have a very significant point in me. it plays when i was one of them. it plays with a painting that i know till death ill never able to wipe it out.ok sudah2. tutup cerita. susahnya nak jaga hati.!

i just wanna hurts me so much. i said that i have no longer feelings,,,but how can i just forget it that easy. i dont blame you because you never knew. how come u know when i didnt even cared to share. please,,,i beg,,,please keep it personal. i dont wanna see any of it. i know and realize .but please make me invisible to all those episode.sign me out.

arghhhh susahnye...

believe me, having the normal love is far more easier than what i am undergoing right now. ook now im gonna consider it damn seriously.

aku hanya hamba biasa. 
terlalu peribadi untuk aku bercerita.
pada mana2 manusia.
 aku hanya mampu menutur kata dalam doa-doaku. 
itu pun dengan bahasa yang paling aku sendiri tidak mahu fahami. 
Allah...tugasku besar..bantulah aku

new termmm

Assalamualaikum uolls,
i olls dah start new term. semester 2 for my first year. Ya Allah...ade 6 1/2 year more to go. mmg betul2 kene luruskan niat belajar ni. kalau x mmg dah tahap merangkak2 mintak dikasihani especially pak lan untuk hantar balik.
 hisy, nothing such thing. this is whet i really want. since young kot. nak jadi ahli perubatan (no..its just that doctor mcm lame sangat words tu). i just like the feeling of giving. anything that i have. i love to give. but not to share. heheheh.

but i need at least 3 years more till i can function at the hosp. and thousand bundle of exam paper to pass. sabarrr....

new semester im hoping for a better performance and deeds. i even take a pledge to control myself on certain things until the date of 24/3/2013.that is at least. ill always hope for more years
what was it? biarlah Allah sahaja yang tahu. im keeping my self busy. what with the new things that come to my life. to many things to manage with so little time.

back to business
im so going to study smart this term (notes, lecture.....)
im so need to get ready myself of being a women (no more kanak2 riang)
im so need to think ahead for my future and the hereafter
i'll put more effort on my hafazan