Tuesday 9 July 2013

paper on the grass

Subhanallah, lately ni berjalan kesana kemari. senang cerita belum ada satu hari saya duduk diam. ade je aktiviti. Alhamdulillah, saya menyukai kesibukkan sebegini daripada kekosongan yang pastinya saya isikan dengan hal-hal kelalain.  i just aren't strong enough to resist it! and know what, im improving my driving skills and i love it! coz thats mean im over one of my fear. people around have been helping me lot with making me memorize roads and stuff. say what Alhamdulillah. I've been delivering some talk which acually forcing me indirectly to do some research and books that i read super fast! which i didn't do it before. Alhamdulillah. just another thing that im still working on it. insyaAllah in this ramadhan. gonna fight it so hard!

i just wanna share a figure that ive been thinking about few days back.

 its a wall that lie the greatest inside. i was outside. i was trying to be attractive enough so that im able to pull some other human into the wall. and i stayed outside. hoping for another door to be open. there will i see Rasulullah, Abu bakar and the list goes on. theres people into the wall by me but they stick to me. and my duty is to make them feels the present of Allah just because of Allah. nothing to do with me. i'll remain a only a reason

its just that, im start to miss all my dearest friends. classmate, college mate. funny when all of them happen to be the same group of people. by Allah, i love them so much. despite who they are. whatever they were. ill never build any bricks between us. people said too much and alot. i have a agroup of people which i work with. i love them. but it wont be the same when im with them. i just hope that, they will not leave me behind. just because im somewhere else. im happy for them. if happens to be they really leaving me behind. indeed Allah, my prayers for them will never stop. and same goes to the word love. i just miss them. and i dont think that's a sin.

yesterday, while talking,i sense their hand. on mine. saying "keep moving foward" and thats cause me to continue.

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