Saturday 27 August 2011

do you wanna know something

this is just a view from an unmarried yet woman.

kalau anda belum bersedia untuk berkorban demi orang lain, please dont get married to anyone. sebab impak dia besar sangat and anda bakal menyakiti golongan yang tak bersalah dan mungkin juga membantutkan pembesaran mereka

please do consider what i am saying..for the betterment of the next generation. 

quote dear!

~sowrie khalies if you could realise, banayk gile ana took things from ur blog~


Katakanlah (wahai Muhammad) kepada orang-orang lelaki yang beriman supaya merekamenyekat pandangan mereka (daripada memandang yang haram) dan memelihara kehormatan mereka. Yang demikian itu lebih suci bagi mereka; sesungguhnya Allah Amat Mendalam PengetahuanNya tentang apa yang mereka kerjakan

-surah an-Nur ayat 30

Dan katakanlah kepada perempuan-perempuan yang beriman supaya menyekat pandangan mereka (daripada memandang yang haram) dan memelihara kehormatan mereka serta janganlah mereka memperlihatkan perhiasan tubuh mereka kecuali yang zahir daripadanya’

-surah an-Nur ayat 31

lama dh x dengar bende2 macam ni. masa kat KKJ almost every day ni jadi topic.sampai nak muak dengar. kadang2 terlintas jugak..takke bosan orang2 BADAR ni dok syarah bende ni hari2.
but then once i step to the next college..jarang nak dengar dan nampak situasi ni.and start to rindu syarah2 BADAR ni.
btw,,,sekarang kene kuat sendiri.dan Alhamdulillah Allah kurniakan lagi kawan2 yang nak mengajak dan diajak sama. cuma kadang2 still kalah lagi. lagi2 jumpe orang2 yang dahi licin sket..haisy...

happy night everyone!


i found this cute little thing when im slongkaring people's blog

will be missing them all. 
cik zaim x de..sbb die je pandai pakai that camera

and another one..
meh la mana2 mak datin..choose mereka2 ni buat menantu..sure x rugi..

cute kan..

--------------are like apples----------------
----------on trees. The best ones----------
---------are at the top of the tree.---------
-------The boys dont want to reach--------
-----for the good ones because they-------
--are afraid of falling and getting hurt.----
---Instead, they get the rotten apples-----
---from the ground that arent as good, ---
---but easy. So the apples up top think---
----something wrong w/ them when in----
-----reality they're amazing. They just----
------have to wait for the right boy to-----
-------come along, the one who's----------
------------- brave enough to---------------
------------------climb all--------------------
------------------the way--------------------
-----------------to the top-------------------
----------------of the tree-------------------
---------------and you are-------------------
--------------top of the top----------------

~from sabiha~

saya tahu saya x cantik..

Saya tahu saya tidak cantik.. Tapi, walaupun saya tidak cantik, saya tetap ada kelebihan..
Kerana saya tidak cantik, saya tidak jadi mangsa gangguan lelaki-lelaki yang rosak akhlaknya.
Kerana saya tidak cantik, saya dapat pelihara diri saya daripada pandangan bernafsu lelaki yang tidak menjaga pandangannya.
Kerana saya tidak cantik, saya selamat daripada menjadi senjata iblis mencairkan iman lelaki.
Kerana saya tidak cantik, saya tidak mendapat fitnah dan cemburu daripada wanita-wanita lain.
Kerana saya tidak cantik, saya tidak mengharapkan pujian daripada mana-mana lelaki dan wanita.
Dan kerana saya tidak cantik, akhirnya saya menemui insan yang ikhlas mencintai saya seadanya.
Kerana saya tahu.. Saya tidak cantik pada pandangan manusia.. Maka saya akan berusaha agar kelihatan cantik pada ALLAH.. Kerana bukan kecantikan dunia yang saya kejar... Tapi KECANTIKAN di akhirat kelak..


hahah..i kinda funny to read my previous post back.seriously im not eligible enough to become a doctor. org kata hati die "lembut" sangat. definitely that is my weakness since...(entahlah)

datanglah mana2 bangala jual karpet or org mintak derma..hati aku will be so sayu to look at them.and once people shout at me i can take only 2 second to cry. pathetic betul la..but i like the way i am. yes..i like to cry. tak kesahlah ape org nak kata. ciwek..jiwang..aku pun tak pernah kesah kalu org lain asyik nak terjerit. this is me. bare with it (if you think worth doing so)
haisy..lama dh x mengeluh.seronok pulak kadang2 buat. u noe what theres one fact which i think very interesting. kenapa bila kite mengeluh kita akan rasa like relieve sket? kenape?kenape?..


ade org kata adanye huruh "H" kat situ.mcm kite let go beban yang kite ade. the same when u sebut ALLAH. END DIE SAMA KAN. and kite akan tenang dengan selalu menyebut ALLAH.

so rather than asyik mengeluh ADUHHH...change to ALLAH..

try it...

sad surrounding..

ya Allah
kurniakan aku sedikit saja lagi kesabaran. i noe thing things will not be that long enough kan?.everytime whenever i start a discussion on this it will definetly end up with tension,sad and today tears.why cant they undesrstand my situation. its like mcm balloon dekat tengah2 of two different person. and neither of them want to understant that this is simply not me. i cant do this. why cant people leave me alone. why they can tolerate with others but not me. do they hate me?.just because im not that expressive as elisha. not as brave as nina. everyday...people keep on saying to me that im the one that is wrong because i dont want to change. believe me,,i keep on seeking things that would make me a better person. i even put my self on risk because i think that will be a better things for me and my future. but yet none appreciate with what im doing. rejection and condemnation is like my truly best friend.

once i prayed that i want a friend that could always hold my hand through that day and this long journey. i cant see them yet..

sorry to those who read this post. i really need to burst it out.and i didn't create this blog for you. but for me. despite anything that you wanna think or say. i dont care. even i didn't grow to this age with any of it...

Friday 26 August 2011

twitter and fb

this is my new craze. i dont think it is aplicapple for the first one but seriously yes for the second. why???..oh my it just that i cant stop my finggers from reading all the notification. am i waiting for someone? for some extend..yes..but the person didnt pop up that often nowdays and im learning to have a life without that person since i've already found the new one which i think more suitable for me now and future.
future? naah...not that suitable actually. still need to find a better group. but yet this one really illl never get rid from it. you guys rock my life by just some talk and smile.but yet it enough to plaster all the hole that years carved on my hearts. offend ok!

anyhow..really need to start my tok and ee project soon1.i have no other time (why im talking like tommorrow the world gonna end). seriously living in this college its seems that ur having a different world from the others. im no longer even to understand an remember when actually the holiday is. everything just the same.

just a nother day

i seems very long since my last post in this blog. actually each day theres so many things that i would like to carve it here so that my future children or maybe grandchildren could read it and figure out something about me. i just realize that im an expressive person. i cant actually kept something to myself more than a week. really..believe me..i can prove it. from the tiny little things until to the most embarrassed things.yes i did tell others about it. how..its like i dont have anything that i hide.but i just like the way i am.

just went back from SAMSMEL.we actually had a small bukak puasa event there. really an evergreen place.there are something in ustaz fadzil speech which cought my attention.hear to this line "kamu semua mungkin tak perasan sudah jauh kamu berjalan, tapi bagi kami para guru..kami nampak betapa cepat dan banyaknye kamu telah dewasa dan belajar"..seriously it kind a silk to my ears. i almost burt into tears hearing to such line. how i had abondoned them sometime and actually how they hoped that well always turn back and look even for a second.

thank you to all the teachers that teach me about life especially ustaz fadzil who teach me a lot about what is actually a sacrifice mean.thanks to Allah for giving me the chance to be tought by such great mankind.

does such teacher exist?? whoa.. ill never sleep in his class...