Monday 22 April 2013

politics and me

i never wish to write about politics because im not  an expert and i know it. tapi insyaAllah, saya reti hal2 akhlak ni. not even me, my adik sekolah rendah pown tahu. Subhanallah, wahailah pilihanraya...boleh tak cepat sikit...because im being very shy towards other people or maybe other country when they see how dangkal pemikiran rakyat. buruknya Akhlak kita sesama muslim. dimana kesepakatan kita? u know this is why melayu x pernah maju dalam perniagaan. bila mana die nampak another brother tgh naik sama, they will pull them down because they will only want to win themselve. it so wayyyy different from how other races are. bila kita nak belajar?

sungguh 50 tahun memerintah negara, nyata pemikiran masyarakat terlalu banyak perlu dididik. bukan sahaja  yang sedang memegang tapok pimpinan, malah semua parti yang claim that they have a leader with them. what have you guys did towards this ummah? towards the nation?

segeralah pilihanraya,
kita berebut mahukan kerusi.
sehingga lupa adab duduk bersila

bangsaku, terlalu banyak perlu kita belajar
50 tahun merdeka, kita belum mampu mengenal jati diri
kita hanya berkejaran ketempat aspirasi ciptaan manusia lain
sampai bila?
segeralah pilihanraya...
sahabat di palestin perlukan doa
saudara di syiria menanti bantuan
isu sunni dan syiah belum pun berkesudahan


once upon a

Flower gleam and glow,
let your power shine,
make the clock reverse,
bring back what once was mine,
Heal what has been hurt,
change the fate's desing,
save what has been lost,
bring back what once was mine,
what once was mine.

bring me back the cloud and the river which i saw every second
bring me back the wind that blew swiftly my hair
bring me back the and that i stand firm on it
bring me back what once were mine

Friday 19 April 2013

for the songs that we shared
for the stories that we end together
for the path that we join
for the minute and second
i cant thank Allah more 
giving me the chance to know you
to share and to colour
to learn the value of sacrifice

because personal date is so lame
so i write this for no occasion

Tuesday 16 April 2013

its tuesday, and i have arabic class

and when i have arabic class...i feel happy...and nothing..

uaaalllsss...kami nak periksa sudah. gosh how 1 year flew just like that. cek cepat ape bende dah buat tahon nie? tidak ade ape ape.
huaaaa...yang pelik bin hairan is, i keep on doing the same thing which i also did  last semester mase exam. but then after exam spirit tu pown hilang. adoiii...maybe we just need to wait kan. umi pown kate tunggu. ya pown malas nak pg view site. so fineeee...ill do myself lah kan. betul ke? buruk sungguhlah perangai. ok what...
ok whatsoever, semoga apa pilihan hati ini sesuai jugak dengan kehendak Allah. cewahhh suspens gitew. nolah. anything yg tgh cross ur mind better cut it up faster. nothing to do with that. im muda still and i dont layak lagi. ni bende lain.
anyway...i cant deny how exited i am. cepatlah habis exam!

another thing is that i cant wait is to demolish that kind of feeling that i have developed since this semester i could say. because my hypothesis is my family. so, perhaps it works. if not, then mmg i was fated for her.

thats all those mumbling

a very special poster that i dedicated to 2 different people that undergoing two different things. persamaannya, saya sayang keduanya. we always tend to see people. reflect on them. and learn in the same time. but most of the time, we forgot to put it in yourself. our life.our path..

Sunday 14 April 2013

bila rindu

Aura yang memecah semesta
Menyampaikan pesan kesunyian dikala sendirian
Kesepian menyelubungi hari-hariku
Disajikan dalam doa-doa rindu
Yang menanti kau datang dan pergi
Seperti mimpi-mimpiku fantasiku
Bukan dongeng lagi yang sayup kedengaran
Disisi cuping di setiap corong
Lorong yang lohong
Benar ku tak bohong
Bila hati menyanyi