Monday, 31 December 2012

kenapa saya disini?

just got back from jalanjalan.

 JUMS was my first destination. edin. i dont know what happened to me. but that definitely will be a lesson to me. when you go to some places or approaching people, go all heartedly. if not you'll get nothing. just because im reluctant so i ended up a bit late to catch up all the issues. but Subhanallah...all of the rest was brilliant.

bila mana kita decide untuk ikut sesuatu atau menjadi ahli kepada sesuatu, fahami gerak kerja mereka dan tetapkan apa yang kita mahu capai. ramai btanye kenapa saya disini sedangkan the rest semua di tempat lain?

saya pun tak sedar. saya kesini disebabkan besarnye sifat malas dan pentingkan diri sendiri saya. saya tidak mencari. jadi saya hanya bertemu dengan yang ini. kebetulan kumpulan yang lagi satu saya tak berapa aktif, makanya saya disini. but i grew the understanding along the way.

saya sedar bilangan kami sedikit, saya sedar besarnye potensi saya untuk dijemput bekerja sebab mereka tidak ramai. Subhanallah, ini memang berlaku. bayangkan dalam kapasiti kami yang hanya kurang 5 orang sewaktu kolej benar2 memaksa saya untuk bekerja. ikhlasnya saya bukan sebaik pakaian saya. tapi saya akan cari dimana ada peluang itu. saya belajar banyak sangat tentang adab berjemaah. cara berjemaah. semuda usia itu saya ditugaskan untuk sesuatu yang besar. saya diajak dalam perbincangan yang besar-besar. saya berpeluang bertemu dengan insan-insan hebat. saya yakin, saya hanya dipilih ketika itu kerana bilangan kami kecil. sekiranya tidak, dengan segala kemalasan dan sifat  saya, percayalah saya memang tidak layak..Allahuakbar!

ukhuwah. saya sayang ahli keluarga baru saya. keluarga kami kecil. itu yang membuatkan saya hampir mengenali semua orang. dari ketua wanita hinggalah ke sekecil2 nazim. heee.. setakat ini saya selesa berukhwah bersama mereka.

saya sangat menghormati kakak usrah saya. kata-katanya mudah masuk dengan saya. saya punye ego sangaaat tinggi. sukar untuk dengar kepada sebarang orang. hairan, kata-katanya begitu senang mendidik. mungkin kerana saya meletakkan hormat yang tinggi padanya. dan dia selayaknya dihormati dan dikagumi amalnya. kata-kataya bukan sekadar angin dan bayang2. saya suka bila dia kurang bercakap mengenai hal hati dan perasaan. kata-katanya terselit banyak gerak kerja dan amal. bukan sekadar 'rasa'.saya nak jadi lebih hebat dari dia!

stratergi. saya berkenan dengan stratergi kumpulan saya. kami menyedari masalah umat dan cuba keluar dengan solusi. solusi kami dinamik. menyedari besarnya kepentingan melayu pada kadar ini, maka kami keluar dengan sebuah slogan.saya akui terlalu awal untuk saya bercakap soal ini kerana ceteknya ilmu, namun saya sedang membina kefahaman mengenainya. sehingga kini saya tidak nampak celanya. sekurang-kurangnya pemikiran mereka spesifik.

saya tidak merendahkan kumpulan lain. saya pernah berada dalam beberapa kumpulan berbeza. selagi mana kita sunni, saya rasakan kesemuanya berfungsi, tiada celanya untuk terus bekerja. dengan kapasiti kita yang sedikit, mana mungkin kita rangkul semua manusia. cerilah erti dalam bekerja. bukan sekadar perjumpaan setiap minggu.

cuma saya masih hairan mengapa perlu kita mencela satu sama lain. apa silapnya?

tak mampu selamanya bersendirian. 

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

if you, ill say this

i like the way u address me
i thought that im flying when u call me
i can stop smiling while talking to you. you asked. i just said becoz im like this
im not. im soo happy to hear your voice, talking to me
u didnt know those think kan?

i just want  to be by your side
i just want to support you when you have no hope
i want to make you happy when the world dissapoint you
i just want to keep quiet, and you do all the talking
i just want someone to hear me

sometimes i question myself,  i am normal aren't i?
being here far from your family
you just need someone to be there for you. some human.
and i thank Allah so much that He game me a she
no a He
because i cant handle it
i dont think i can handle it.

let the 'he' be my husband terus.
 i dont want anything in the middle

exam habis

what the purpose of writing if ur making it private in the first place....

Ireland yet to snow

Assalamualaikum sayangs sekalian,
i just ended my exam week. almost a week but the tiresome was urghhhh...just cant describe it but i know life was worth it that time as to compare to my state right now. i dont know what to do. i guess im just born to be a doctor! those crazy time. i did asked kak yati and suha in the first week that im free for anything after the exam week. call me for any help. no, nothing was on. so i wasted one day of my life. if i was to die at the age of 70 know that i actually only alive for 69 days. Allah, actually less than that.

ok so tomorrow will be better,
here how i thought it will be. am going to meet kak yati in the morning. she offer the title bibik. bibik pown bibik lah meringankan keje org kan bagus. i wanna cook!!!. so then ill go to city buy stuufff for cooking and baking. yeay!. then balik rumah and start all those things. how nice if farah can ajak me to her house to bake!!!. but so malu nak pg her house. i always make her house as mine. so now ill keep my very best to visit them very least. supaya btambah kasih sayang apabila bertemu sekali sekala. :P

i also dont know how am so attach to farah few backdays. i can say that she soo funny and to this day am so comfortable with her. i like somebody else before. keep on kejar2 that person by the help of farah. but dont realize that we grew this relationship along the way and i almost forgot who my actual subject was. but i still love all of them. ngeh ngeh ngeh....
shes now my first ever  (senior) best friend. i like her :)

naaahhh pleaseeee dont hope that ill spitt out all those lovely words even though i have sooo mannyyy and i want to express it. but i just cant.
did u ever heard i say;
 "i love you",
"ana sayang giler kat anti"
"i just wanna meet you and that's all i want with you"
" its enough that u let me to love you. i dont hope you to love me back"


im sooo good in writing but not in expressing face to face. So to all my sayangs, i might sound very cold heart sometimes but i just cant help my self from not-expressing those words.

when i love someone, i dont forget their names. so, whenever i call u by the name, thats mean i love you.

 i'll keep on texting and conteng  someones wall with just a 'smiley'...thats means " i missed you so much".
 a 'like' and a reply means so much to me.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

how talk to him

him here is referring to any tom dick and herry guys that is ur mahram. anyone,,could be your classmates, neighbor, cousins etc..etc..etc..

simple guideline

always always always think whenever ur talking to him pretend as if there's ur father or maybe your husband (hew..hew.. this is interesting) around. so what will you do if theres those person around? most probably we'll be really watch every single words and act while talking.

this is not a fatwa.

just ways in preserving the hayah.

EXAM week

those week
really shows who are the true believers or people embracing Islam just for the sake of their own life.

how funny is it when exam time, easily u woke everyone to perform their tahajjud and dhuha but refrain solat jemaah when no exam around. not to say the tahajjud. almost vanish from the dictionary.

how funny when you keep on reminding people for sunnah fasting during exams but the only stomach you care about was yours when there's no exams.

how funny when you spend the 10 minutes for the last sujud and almost 20 minutes just to recite the supplication after prayer. its the most mustajab time! u said. but hardly wait even for the zikr when theres no exam around. the korean half naked women are more important huh?

how funny when u limit 15 minutes of your time for eating when there's exam around. time is precious, my anatomy books deserve all the minutes!. but willingly to spend 10 hours+ extra 5 hours just for a nice sleep when there's no exams.

sigh =_='

just stop pretending, can't you?. and it shows how pathetic u are. u thought Allah dosent know it? but at least, theres sometimes in u life that u think Allah and this deen is important. and you know that those celebrities, whom your making as the idols are nothing but a _____.

 if you can be serious with life when there's exam around. why not after the exam? do you think you already pass it and greatly enter jannah? Owh my Allah.

Artinya :
Dari Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu ‘anhu, ia berkata : NabiShalallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda : "Allah Ta'ala berfirman :"Aku menurut sangkaan hambaKu kepadaKu, dan Aku bersamanya apabila ia ingat kepadaKu. Jika ia ingat kepadaKu dalam dirinya maka Aku mengingatnya dalam diriKu. Jika ia ingat kepadaKu dalam kelompok orang-orang yang lebih baik dari kelompok mereka. Jika ia mendekat kepadaKu sejengkal maka Aku mendekat kepadanya sehasta. jika ia mendekat kepadaKu sehasta maka Aku mendekat kepadanya sedepa. Jika ia datang kepadaKu dengan berjalan maka Aku datang kepadanya dengan berlari-lari kecil"(Hadits ditakhrij oleh Bukhari).


ok masuk list baju raya

Friday, 14 December 2012

not feeling like wanna study biochemistry now. thought of sleeping early and wake up early aso. bu turn out my 'bibik' gene woke up like crazy just now. it makes me cean and mop the entire house. woosh. this gene x active selalu tapi kalau time tgh active, insyaAllah keje ape pun mampu buat!. hehehe

handsome kan die :)

random : may kak siti gets better soon.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

"i always think that I've crossed that line. but in reality i didnt"

to whom u are giving the pen, drawing ur line? who told you that that's the line from where ur standing. you are comparing yourself and you started to think that you never crossed that line.depressed, sad, lost hope and? thats the end

live ur life for the sake of Allah. trust me, u'll see no line. he accept every step of you.of course you still need to walk. think! in everything, stagnation shows how bad one situation is. progression is glory. no matter how small it is. it count.
that's the best of falling in love with the most merciful and loving. he din't care.

walk even it cause just a micro meter step ahead. cause in HIS eyes it matter.
it may be a big determinant for our place in the hereafter.

Allah, i just wanna met you.

Monday, 3 December 2012

Friday, 30 November 2012

cukup sudahkah bkata?

jika diajak berbicara maka dialah orangnya
jika diajak berpuisi maka dia juga orangnya
berbaris-baris rang bayu puisi
melayang-layang di arena persada kuping-kuping masyarakat
ternoda dengan kata-katanya
gah! memukau!
tentang apakah itu?

begitu mudah lidahmu wahai anak muda
hanya sekiranya kau mengetahui
senjata ampuhmu senjata tegar
menarik manusia kelembah hina

hanya sekiranya kau mengetahui
betapa aku yang mendengar tersiksa
dengan lagu nafsu lidahmu
benarlah kata dia yang lebih dahulu
lidah tidak bertulang

hanya sekiranya kamu mengeahui
kehidupan ini sementara

hanya sekiranya kau memahami
kerna aku tahu jauh disudut hati, aku yakin kau mengetahui
die yang berkata lebih memahami

Monday, 26 November 2012

to those who are asking and already asked

i dont think im gonna encourage my child to be a doctor
and am gonna raised them outside malaysia

Sunday, 18 November 2012

i think this in one time that i afraid to sleep.
its not that im afraid im not gonna wake up tomorrow.
im afraid of waking up

am afraid that he'll take what i feel now

will i get it again tomorrow.
i see the light
but how can i hold it?

i know the road is long
make me strong



Wednesday, 14 November 2012

doctors evening


sakit ape
 multiple schleoresis

r u sure?
thats why im here. instead of  saying 'sakit ape'. can u say 'sakit kat mana"?

i dont have time for your joke
create time then

i dont create. God's do that
u think god give me time to make joke for you?

whats ur problem 

fine, sakit kat mana

i stepped on my own leg.

if Cinderella forgot her shoes
 i forgot my words
if Cinderella have a prince that search her by the shoes
i have Allah that teach me my forgotten words

during our last usrah, i was assigned to discuss the second topic of Muntalaq. its kinda a motivation to the rijal or the people who are eager caring da'wa that theres always chance and hope to see Islam achieve its glory years. there's one spot in the text where i was discussing bout faith for Allah to be specific faith in everything that Allah had decided and choose for us based on our afford and willingness.

we always said that we want this and that and we strive for it. we want john or mark to embrace islam. we worked so hard but yet Allah didn't choose them for that precious hidaya.
then we felt so down as if we didn't even done anything for them. we felt tired and feed up.
we give up.

 are we allowed for that? are we the grantor of Allah's hidaya?.

 i said it repetitively to convince my usrah-mates that we can only hope and work for the best but the rest is in Allah's hand. i took the philosophy subject as an example when they criticize  God and the here-after. how its that possible when they never saw hell or heaven even God, but they are making so many claims about it with so many theory that i never have time to understand it deeper.

 its like when you are about to take your IB exam or SPM,PMR name it, you have this so many thought and perception about it. but once you're out of the hall , most of us have different thought in mind just because we have undergo such experience. then you start to tutor you junior about it. just the make it simple.

look, its about how you put the highest faith in the one and only. the one who created the hell, the heaven, the spirit, the messenger, universe and you..


Allah The Almighty

how confidence i am that time.

 and today, when my results was out. i completely forgot every single thing. i was to busy with my sadness and despair.

 then i came to thought that, who give me this? who allowed me to get such grade when i've worked so hard? to whom did i said my tawakkal? what is tawakkal?

Ya Allah i truly forgot about you. i'm lost because of my obsession of myself. i thought im the one creating the universe. im the one controlling the human. im the one controling myself. O Allah.

dearest brothers and sisters,
look and think. i stepped on my own leg.

Monday, 12 November 2012

te hee

isnt there, here, have anything for me to write about?
 i dont know particularly what happen but im like dont have anything in mind. 
everything going on so routine. 
at least dulu, macam2 aku nak scribb on this blog. 
ke menandakan kurangnye pengisian?

Photo: Of csi and
i've always love doing this
kak siti gave me a plain book
so kinda use it for such things 

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

im being ego and i know it

this iz how it goes

salam everyone,
back 2-3 weeks, i was caught in a maze of ermmm i dont really know how to describe but my life was so damn miserable  and it was just because i was hook. no i hooked my self to someone. let just name this person as A. i was too focusing on us like i want everything to be with A. i cant stop myself for being with A and with that i normally force to spend some of my precious time just to see A. i know this A already have her own bestie and stuff but i just like her. can u get that? and terribly i have this one friends that really push me into it that much and keep on promoting her almost-the-same-life to me. i was erm how to say, it was the first time for me i guess. ok thats a damn lie, i did undergoes the same thing before but it just that im very lucky not to have people around that support me of this matter.

now i just realize that, that kind of life are so tiring and besides, i didn't get much...... i know. and i was hoping for that someone to love,admire and llike me ( to put in word). i almost abandoned the people around me. their love. because im so into fighting for this person attention.

so what am i saying is that. never fight for someones loves, if he/she mend for you it will be simple and easy. im not talking about the love mater of different sex or what so ever but somehow what had happened to me can be kinda a templet for others as well.

live ur life. make full use of it. no point of hopping people t praise or admire you you arer tying so hard just to fit to that person hearts. its sooooo anoying sometimes as a friends beside. and sometimes it reflect the emptiness in you.

okay i dont mind if someone come to me and tell about the person she admire (again this isnt about love is completely different thing and im so lazy to describe)
but please dont show ur  lame and desperate-housewives expression. it as if ur living ur life just for that person. when u are so hook to ur phone ( "3" offering free internet.... i know... and doesn't support my bb...urghhh) and abandoning people around you especially missing in the middle of discussion is so unacceptable. live ur life. dont be so lame. i know some of u guys cant wait to get married and having ur own husband and bla..bla.blaa... but please dont sound so desperate. it annoy me!


Monday, 22 October 2012

once i cried

teringat peristiwa sedih dalam flight haritu
Allah je yang faham.
but this song made my day

Apalah nama sebuah perjuangan tanpa keperitan  jalannya

Sunday, 14 October 2012

"we have too many love yet to discover among us.."

no guys ever succeed in making me adore him
as much as how i adore u sister
you make my hearts stops for seconds when i met you after a long time
u make me prepare speech before i could talk to you
even a casual one
u should know how  high i am when u called me
my leg wasn't on the ground
i like to see when ur happy even if it means that i need to sacrifice my weekend
i like it when you asked me to stay
and it's very easy for me to make the decision
i never felt this for anyone before
i'll never ask for you to have the same for me
its enough for having you around

who said we cant be happy without men around?
open your eyes
 we have too many love yet to discover among us

p/s : im still normal and i'll get married to a is that answering?

 i dont take peoples. im natural
when the time comes 
 it will only be mend specially and intricate for me

Thursday, 11 October 2012

we got the same desktop screen


Awww, this cause me to try even harder.
yo snowblue and wiggly, lets start the business
exam is just in front of the door
no more just around the corner

its so hard to train wiggly not to bully snowblue blur


okay i got it.
i got it today
i realize it
to many works to be done
no time to waste
i'm here for reasons
even im there for reasons
sory to that someone
i didn't mean to if i could say. i did have those sometimes and even now. but not going to care that much.
but i have reasons for that

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Hate it-This shouldn't be a title

I've developed this kind of feeling
can i said it more
hate it

Friday, 28 September 2012

should be the other way

this place should be decorated with so many buds of laughter and the very bit sweets of my life
but i don't have the other way to tell it
i left my blue book at home anyway
i really shouldn't

(drama lah sangat~)

really just stop and be considerable and sporting lah sket.
your not the only sponsored people here

i want to walk by my self
bravely speak my mind
put aside my hesitation
independently ride my legs
be nice to everyone

 you don't need to be so damn brilliant to survive this race
head up some of your soft skills
there is where the society will create that 'cling' on you
life is short if you think of
what afraid you?
grab that every second in front
pull the one behind

as i said thousand times before
be nice
then i'll treat you just the same
i can give you Ainun as example
Dora some more
Mark? erk...

pesanan penaja (penaja as in myself, lol)  as to conclude
menggelabah is my trait, but i hate it
thanks to you, i lost it somewhere
just because to encounter 'this situation'

now only  i realize where was that so called 'sakinah' in me

Wednesday, 26 September 2012


klaka sungguh kot
tapi brilliant ideas anyway

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

theres more

look at you

look at them,

there's always more than just that in life. i'm no longer a teenager. some said im ego. 
can i say ...yes i am. 
its not easy for me to tell my feelings and how i felt for someone especially. 
i don't like of too much that. stay cool. 
don't behave like the typical teenagers. 
grow up!

you might be the next Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh,
pengganti Umar Al-Khattab,
pewaris Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi

who knows?
so start to behave your self. 
we have far more lots of work to do

Sunday, 16 September 2012

baby posting

haila, semua pun lah nak post gambar anak chumil masing-masing.
 huwaaaaaa, boleh tak nak buat pengumuman kat sini. im not ready yet for a marriage but i cant wait to have my own babies. hahaha. ape gelak2. sweet kot. geram aku mengusha anak-anak mat salleh kat sini. thats what i do here other than seeing the scenery. i did the same thing during umrah. what can i say, i love kids!

when i have my own kids, am gonna update so many things about he/she here.

bolehlah cakap sekarang, cube jaga baby satu tengok.

grhhh... ok abaikan. random saje while waiting for diba preparing my iftar today. salam akhir syawal everyone. this is my last day for puase enam!

Monday, 10 September 2012


its wraining 
( it isn't a typo. pronounce it the way i typed it)
and Alhamdulillah, that 1.5 euro for an umbrella is worth i guess
at least better than buying a 50 euro coat and end up not using it.
be practical 
(ermm, at least for now)


i cant think of any suitable title. i knoww there's no need for me to put up a title for every entry but ada saya kesah? hohoho (seee im typing the title!)

living outside i mean far from the usual people (family, family and family) somehow make you unintentionally knowing people around better. Some people stay how they are (how did i perceived them i mean) and most of them change.

what do i mean? i mean.... something and i talked about it already with my sister and not planning to repeat it again. just leave it.

try to be considerate to people.

talk slowly 

the word sorry mean so much to most of us. so do not hesitate to use it since it it free of charge :)

Think about others before putting yourself first. You can be ignorant sometimes but you need to wait till someone wiling to sacrifice. then sign up for the ignorant post!

grew up whoever you are because some people just tired of your childish behavior.

The more of wanting-action, the more i hate it.
just be humble, then i'll love you. :)

passerby: on what earth i need your love?
me : everyone except you. tada!

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Salam bumi Shamrock!

as the title is, salam...
my housemates~former classmates

Alhamdulillah getting better day by day, the seniors here were so awesome. sediakan makan, makan and makan. It helped us a lot since awal-awal ni semua bende pun takde kat rumah except for our house i guess. most of the cook thing is in the cupboard. acewahhh. seriously, the seniors even said so. banyak kott

i dont really wish to write about what happened to me at the airport. all the cries and urgh..
let it be. i don't even want to remember it. just hang it as if it never to happen.

i didn't really that eager to post all those cheering moment in ireland. Not because I disliked it. But Subhanallah i'm truly amazed that i wouldn't even spare some of my time to grab  models and snap pic. I rather treasure it through my own eyes. but of course lah kan at the end of the day i have nothing to show on. dont worry on that, i'll asked them to check on baz fb since she have all i could wish for (at least) in her fb. (i might download it somewhere future)

and here they are

out for shopping!


wearing ummi's baju kurung

when the block captain reunite! yeah

owkay thats all for now. do check the rest on bazilah's fb.

Monday, 27 August 2012

counting days

ape lagi ye yang x siap?

berdesup desap. mcm tu je masa berlalu. and im a step ahead. is this what i was waiting for? entahlah.
so many things to do with limited edition time left. Bag saya buat masalah. kalau ade rezeki die sampai. kalau x beg plastik pown bole. huhuhu.

saya berazam untuk x menyusahkan puan ummi this week. so I'll try my very best to do everything myself. drive ke hulu ke hilir. (owh, silelah pinggirkan rasa takut nak drive sendiri).

was thinking to do my GRADS card today. however my sister is not available today. she fell sick today. stomach ache. teringat ohmyenglish. "ade telur dalam perut?". buz is comming tomolo. so maybe buat time tulah. nak bawak baz gi low yat. mcm mana nak sampai sana ek?. pakai ggogle maps, die suruh turun kat stesyen Imbi. ade ke? ntah lah. as long as kat malaysia, ramai je pakcik2 nak tanye.

now back to packing matter.!

Friday, 10 August 2012

Who is this person

Saya ada subscribe this one persons blog. Saya pun x ingat bile saya subscribe. Tau tau je post blog encik ni datang menjengah mailbox saya. Seriously,  saya sangaat suka tulisannya. Biasa tapi mampu 'dang' kpala ni. Teringin nak jumpe this blogger. He sholdnt be that far.
Siapa ye dia ni?. Saya x rasa die ahli agama. Cume seorang yang beragama.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Post Ribena

post ribena? apekah?. no, hari tu ade baca this one-post (besar gile mandat die aku tag post die kat sini)
pasal kanak-kanak ribena dan pakcik-pakcik kopi. erk,, boleh ke cm tu? maaf  ye penulis asal sekirenye terserempak. I am so trully agree with whatever he was saying in that post. 

Pasti puak kanak-kanak berasa terharu atas sokongan saya. haruslah, sayakan kipas (dibaca fans) kanak-kanak nombor 2. (nombor satu goes to ayush).

Kerana terlalu eksited membaca post tu, saya telah menghebahkan kepada ummi sewaktu menyediakan persiapan berbuka. maka berlakulah diskusi saya dengan ummi dan disampuk oleh YB terhormat cik Ya sikit2. perbincangan menjadi semakin havock bile ternyata cik Ummi juga menyokong usul saya. Yeah!. 

nak dijadikan cerite, berlakulah dialog dibawah (venue : sehari selepas pembentangan usul di sekolah ummi)

"hei, susah aku nak khusyuklah solat terawikh. budak-budak berlari-lari. Bising sangat!. jangan datanglah senang"

" tulah,, sebab tu saya dah hampir 5 TAHUN tak datang masjid sebab anak berderet-deret. sapa nak jaga kat umah."

(muuf, dialog ni saya reka sendiri berdasarkan cerite ummi pada saya. saya x letak mana2 nama, maka tidak ada kene mengena dengan yang masih ada mahupun yang telah tiada. random jelah ye)


Ummi saya menyampuk. membentangkan usul perbincangan semalam. Saya tak kesahlah sekirangan mereka yang terlibat itu terima atau tidak usul kami. tapi sekurang-kurang nya ummi cuba untuk memahamkan masyarakat sekitar. Dah tu nanti diorang jugak komen masjid cume penuh dengan orang tua. Memang lah, dah dulu masa kecik-kecik asyik kene sergah je. sangat tak mesra pelanggan gitew.

Mungkin sudah masanya kita belaja cara menarik ramai pengunjung ke Masjid dari ALAMANDA, putrajaya dan kawasan yang sewaktu dengannya.

 Tahukah anda di Alamanda ada playhouse for kids to play while their mummies sibuk bershopping?. maka si ibu tenang membeli belah dengan banyaknya tanpa diganggu sedikit pun tumpuan mereka dengan ragam anak2. y not we apply that to our surau!. mungkin nak buat play house tu mcm jauh sekali. tapi gunakan masjid Nabawi sebagai contoh. 

terdapat kawasan khas buat ibu yang membawa anak-anak ke masjid. so kalau bising pun, dengan hok hok die jugak. Tapi mungkin juga boleh consider cadangan playhouse tu. hahaha. jangan bapak budak main sekali sudah~

sekadar my naive opinion. 

So soon


rasenye mau tgelak inche-inche pilot tgk aku kendong beg mcm ni naik flight
dun wory lah, beg saya walaupun berusia x delah sampai berkarat kowt

ummi, suddenly i don't wanna go 

Something from Sometime

Profile picture
recently we (ya and me) just bought someting from sometime
just nak habaq mai, service die tip top lah!
we actually had problem dengan cost delivery yang terdouble
dengan segala kegigihan saya menulis e-mail to them
padahal adelah beberapa MYR. 
hak kita! (bak kata diba)
but Alhamdulillah
they solved it for us!
thank you :')


cant wait!

Photo: Lee Chong Wei is making our country very proud. Is this a reason for a double celebration? Give us enough 'Like' and comment to convince our bosses to throw another 24 hours sale!

kami x mampu nak borong mahal2. so bile ade sale baru serbu!
gambar bawah tu..erk, according to their fb, Chong Wei was one of the reason they REorganised the sale.

new design by maria elena!
but maybe not our type lah

Photo: One of the country's most inspiring celebrity blogger Maria Elena has joined us in designing this new tribal print bowling bag that displays an effortlessly exotic style. The meticulous detailed design will turn up the volume on your casual look. Check out Maria's inspiration at

Friday, 3 August 2012

She died :"(

my baby xpress music
getting sick day by day
she cant open her eyes
in coma ( i think..)
didn't show any progress for about a week
and the doctor which happen to be me
declared today
she has no more hope
and that's the end of  her

thank you so much for helping my life
I'm sory I didn't took a good care of you
I soaked you in sungai congkak and didn't even realised it
not to mention the thousand times-free-fall

even she's just a phone
we have great memory together
she was my first personal phone.

rest in peace

isn't the time yet

You know ( i know you don't know), reading through all those stuff really push me sooo hard to get into it
ur friends talking bout it,their parent (mine so little lah), fb,,etc..etc.. semualah
Ya Allah, grow up lah sakinah
am not any more in those Disney fairytale. 
am living on earth. no more that happily ever after without doing nothing.
anyway, still I cant deny my deep down feeling
every women hope for one.
but different people have different path
and mine
coming insyaAllah

what am I talking about
only Allah and I know.
(ke korang boleh teka?)

sile beri tepukan gemuruh untuk saya yang berjaya drive sorang2 di tengah malam pergi iftar kat rumah akhawat. 
sumpah saya takuuuut sangat. but sampai bila nak bergantung dengan manusia. tapi saya ade bergantung sikit dekat sygic. Alhamdulillah ya Allah. sebaik2 pelindung!. and sygic, you know that i love u kan.

Thursday, 2 August 2012


Ya Allah, sekarang baru nak rushing everything. segala macam borang nak isi and realising masa dah tak banyak. penjamin pun belum sempat bertemu. insyaAllah dah atur appoinment.
perasan tak? kita selalu berkejar dan nak cepat.

kalau boleh nak naik flight, bawak kereta laju-laju sebab nak cepat sampai. pastu bile dah sampai tak tau nak buat ape. maka pilih untuk tidur berjam2 atau pergi ke tempat yang lain. saja nak kill the time.
if that so,kenapa nak cepat?

nak pakai phone 4G sebab nak access internet cepat. senang nak berhubung, tahap ketersampaian..etc..etc..

adakah sebab nak cepat-cepat balik ke comfortable zone?
you know what, boleh je nak laju. but iringkan dengan ketenangan dalam gerak geri. it's gonna be smooth and clear. could be fast sometimes also. you dan orang sekeliling bakal rasa happy :)

"kalau anda tidak ada ape-ape agenda yang penting, slow jelah. daripada banyak masa lapang dan tidak pandai memanfaatkannye"

Tuesday, 31 July 2012


Did u do it purposely? But guess what, it is a good try anyway. X pahan kannnn

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

... i dont know

No specific title that could describe my feelings for now. maybe I almost hit the bio-clock. maybe. didn't look at the calender yet. I have no mood at all in anything. to sleep and even to wake up. what's happening to me?

I'm just tired of worrying. too many things. there's like tones of 'perhaps' in me. what if this. what if that. and I really need to talk to someone. I used to tell my mum every single things even the tiniest things in life. But that feeling somehow flew no where to be found. I still talked to her on some matter but not all. i don't want to trouble and mess up her chaotic-enough-life. being with her almost every time now, makes me realise that she have far more important things to consider. and I'm the eldest. I need to grew up and be sensible. Being the one that soon my siblings can cling on. not the one with all the annoyance .

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Last but not least

Alhamdulillah, hari jumaat lepas was my last day of working. Thousand times i keep on reminding my self that it is not bacause of the pay. But the experience.  How times flies.  Its almost a month.

I've been working for a month! Duh, sounds excited as if worked for years. Somehow i cant agree more with one of my friend quotation.

"Kerja ni bosan sbb buat bende sama setiap hari. Tapi belajar is far more exciting sbb u get to learn new things every day. Kalau penat time keje, x boleh tidur. Tapi penat dalam class at least boleh lagi nak tersengguk2. ^^"

Obviously the last part tu saya tambah sendiri. Muuf. But true kan. Im not sure for you guys, but for me it is a Big  YES!

Hari2 susun, kira, and replanish stocks. Tulis account per day ( pergh, sound mcm hot sangat je). Then bile x de keje, duduklah situ macam jaga terhormat. Ni bukan merungut okay just  a review:) dari hati yang tulus ikhlas, saya x menyesal berkerja. Im so grateful for the momment.

It makes me;
1. Bangun awal di waktu pagi ( only school leavers will understand how hard this is for most of us)
2. Know how to deal with some new things in life
3. Kira dengan sangat laju! ( i loike this part. Very least calculator was being used and the students shops mcm dekat mall. InsyaAllah, i'll survive without my gdc. Sebelum ni gdc tu mcm nyawa kot)
4. Ikut umi pergi sekolah everyday, and terdedah kepada oppourtunity untuk dibelanja makan oleh chu ah.
5. Grew thinner ( ini hanya angan2)
6. Jumpe encik vitagen every tuesday. ( i have stories regarding this. Will share if rajin.
7. Kurang masa untuk buat bende bukan2
8. Earn some pocket money. Especially masa nak pergi trip klantan).
......And many more

For fasting month ummi suro bhenti. Ngaji banyak2 kat umah. And of course to settle down many things

Thanks to cikgu sharifah for being an excellent mentor and to be patient with me. I know i took many cuti segera. Thanks as well for all the stories and your faith in me. Kudos to all smksi mates. I know i took some times to make friends but you guys helped me a lot! Will miss you, you and you.

Monday, 9 July 2012

dear Sygic

one of my favourite apps currently
but guess what?
it is not functioning well!
might be something happen during the installation

was thinking bout to alter it myself
but kinda risky
so might also need to meet the salesperson to reset it

anyway, cant wait to use it
especially to those 'buta jalan' like me

Sunday, 8 July 2012

New Born Baby

safely arrived around 2 pm today
will be joining the eldest twin nokia xpress
and  her younger sister ipod touch
 i'm opt to let go one of the twin to adek
and beloved second daughter to ekah
for adoption

she should aid my studies actually. 
so, she suppose to be the brightest among all her siblings

May babyhood be filled with lots of joy and make for lots of wonderful memories.
All the best!