Wednesday, 28 December 2011

ustaz Don cakap


*Bukan nak suroh bangga saje2, dok aih..
kita sepatutnya berbangga kerana perintah solat yang sama dilakukan oleh para anbiya' terdahulu termasuk kekasih Allah,Rasulullah S.A.W

orang yang solat perlu mempunyai akhlak.tak mengutuk/mengkeji dan sebagainya, sifat sopan santun,penyabar,pemaaf segalanyalanya

solat adalah ibadah (ibadah tu ape?)
ibadah tu perbuatan seorang hamba yang menghubungkan dengan pencipta

kita ambil contoh orang bercinta. Kalau korang just cakap korang suka taylor lautner tapi x buat ape2, x jadi ape2 jgk. So need action lah!beli ticket flight ke, anythinglah (ok contoh ni Nampak mcm tah pape, tapi faham tak pa maksud saya?!! Faham kannnn)

Rasulullah tidak ambil mudah dalam menerima perintah solat

-    dada rasulullah dibedah : bersihkan hati kita sebelum menunaikan solat (ni dalam perjalanan dok kutuk2 tok bilal pasal azan tak sedap. ke ngutuk2 orang dlm perjalanan ke surau

Rasulullah naik Buraq : siapkan keadaan terbaik sebelum solat,wangi2, baju smart,kemas dll
straight selepas menerima perintah solat, rasulullah terus soat subuh sesudah turun dari langit (x delay2)..kite?

dan sebenarnye banyak je lagi yang ustaz cakap.tapi x berapa nak ingat. kesimpulannye tgklah sendiri. pukul 10.30 mlm tv alhijrah. semoga bermanfaat untuk kita semua

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

its not rubish, so worth reading it.

* Allah S.W.T telah menyembunyikan redha-Nya dalam taat.
* Allah S.W.T telah menyembunyikan murka-Nya di dalam maksiat.
* Allah S.W.T telah menyembunyikan nama-Nya yang Maha Agung di dalam Al-Quran.
* Allah S.W.T telah menyembunyikan Lailatul Qadar di dalam bulan Ramadhan.
* Allah S.W.T telah menyembunyikan solat yang paling utama di dalam solat (yang lima waktu).
* Allah S.W.T telah menyembunyikan hari kiamat (hari kejadiannya) di dalam semua hari.

Sucikanlah 4 hal dengan 4 perkara :
“Wajahmu dengan linangan air mata keinsafan,
Lidahmu basah dengan berzikir kepada Penciptamu,
Hatimu takut dan gementar kepada kehebatan Rabbmu,
…dan dosa-dosa yang silam di sulami dengan taubat kepada Zat yang Memiliki mu.”

sumber (read the others as well)

my new i touch!

ok, aku pown x tau what make me think that way. i was just imagining of getting an itouch masa kat beijing, but aku mmg x suke membazir duit org. besides, x caya langsung nak beli gadget kat sana. i dont suggest u too. unless u dont care bout quality.

so the next day (the day after touch down lahh), i was roaming at (click!) . then jumpe banyak ipod touch second hand. so bukanlah baru sangat pown.just the trill of search and personalize die je. 

Ipod 2nd Gen 32GB  - Image
tadaaaa...nilah bakal rupenye. and thats not my hand.

*32 GB
*second generation
*come with charger and box
* previously owned by a women
*she have been using it for 3 years (no warranty lahhh)
*she sell it because she want an ipad (cehhh)

nama puan/cik ni azmira if im not mistaken. and she willing to trade it for rm400. murah ke?.entah lah tapi klau itouch 4 yang 32GB tu pun seribu lebih. aku bukanlah up to any new gadget like i said before.actually i deal with lots of people but yang lain expensive (i found another one 3rd gen 32GB for 500 (fix)), or if ade pown dh x available.

ummi ok je since im going to use my money (which happen to be her money actually)
abah said it should be better to but a brand new sbb quality lebih tjamin. but mana aku nak gali duit!
ummi also ask me to solat istikharah.( haah kan selalu ketepikan Allah dalam buat keputusan)

anda rasa?

ustaz Don and Taylor lautner

sangaaaaattttt berbeza

hooosh, what a topic. naah, nothing much just a clash of identity. those days and actually little bit of today, i always dream of someone like taylor in my real life. perfect kowt!..huwaaaa..sebabkan tak bersedia nak dengar all the bad side of him. i rarely read anything bout him. even i dont watch twilight since i hate seing him hanging with other girl. dahsyat kan. for your eyes only ok. i only watched him as 'shark boy' and the memory remain then not developed.

but baru-baru ni, naik pulak another figure. they called him ustaz don. i admire the way he brought himself. so humble and i easily absorb anything he said. not like others. u know how brutal i am (to those who dont know, im telling you). even ummi tease me lot regarding him. ill wait most of night to watch him on tv.

isu die mudah theres 2 figure. both different character and background. org kata apa yang kite suka, reflect siapa kite. u think im on what side? aku pown tak tau.

hermmmm....masuk2 remaja ni macam2 hal dan perkara. doa jelah supaya tak tersasar dari matlamat hidup yang sebenar. seriously, dont judge me from the first sight of any people. totally different. but i am a serious person when discussing on the purpose of life. it just the matter, i dont really see it. i can talk bout it, guide sometimes. but the feel isn't there. should i wait for someone?. but better in the mean time i searched it myself kan

kay then

Thursday, 15 December 2011

salam dear!

actually dah berape kali rasa nak tulis2, but the page download lambat sangat. so i wouldnt have the time.acewah.. still packing up our things. all the clothes, stuff actually. but i did manage to get it settle 2 days ago. so just small tiny kiddy things left. but ummi work on it a lot. so just need to lend her a hand. this as u know will be our first family trip on a flight. we never plan that far since ...u know right. i prayed a lot that this gonna be a blast to all of us. since ummi had spend thousand2 for it. i really adore ummi for that. she kinda a forward looking mother. even shes the only breadwinner of the family for now. she sacrifices mentally and physically for it. but yet we couldnt hope for more than having another half of me in this trip. ya, cant make it. she got classes. huwaaaa...i miss her terribly. hehehe.

anyhow, i just finish with my IOP. then need to redo my EE. and need to send it tomorrow. like what?????!!!!. no people to put the blame on. me my self of course. not to plan my day properly. insyaAllah. when theres a will theres a way kan. surah an-nasr.

few days i've been rambling on youtube videos that make my heart stuck with all the air as i inhaled it. oh Allah, how could we be that bad towards you. dear my beloved citizen of malaysia. why did we do such things?. how can even we come to such conclusion when he's the one who grant us with air every second and minute. it make me pity Allah for even more. actually how many slave of him that really obey him? despite loves from him that never stops even less than a second. Allah, i felt even bad. i got the knowledge but yet, never know how to thank you.Allah, do guide us of becoming the next doctors of Malaysia and even to the world. we would like not to only heal diseases but also the patient. your slave to be specific. so that together we could walk the path that you blessed. 
May you will always be in our heart. Amin

Monday, 12 December 2011


Owh rakan2
siapa tahu site yg lebih indah dari fb.
sakit mata melihat.
ok i get it

baca AQ kan

Sunday, 11 December 2011

trip to Perak

terribly hectic last days, even i didn't even contribute any km to them.hehhhhh...i told ya, im afraid of driving at any speed.but i can guys out there, do not fear. i can drive lah!.setakat hantar anak korang pergi sekolah, beli barang runcit untuk korang sekeluarga makan. insyaAllah.


sowry, just mood merepek is all around. seriously, seri iskandar was far..far..farrrrrrrr than what i expected.jauh sangat masa nak pegi! but incredibly dekat masa nak balik. met ya my roomate was the best part. what with the cute cake!..suke kannnnnn.... i dont remember when was the last time i ate cake mcm tak ingat dunia .went to ya's class. ok lah. but of course cant beat my beloved M10J..te heee...jeles kannnnnn (miss mr razali)
how could i love them that much!

on the way back singgah dekat bundle world. (ok setakat ni mmg tu je yang kami mampu. but who cares, bukannye nak pakai sampai meninggal. just for a while. so shoppe smart!..i loike cheap things. bak kata abah, saya MENTERI KEWANGAN UMMI)

i bought a new coat since the old one very small. 
with very little day left and i have so many things to catch up. my assignment of course. and the trip. i didnt decide yet what are the things that i need to do. but im planing to settle my IOP so that i can memorizes it during in China.

till we meet again!

Thursday, 8 December 2011


Alhamdulillah,woke up early in the morn, tried to do the same tradition,stuck in the bed however, IELTS really have its own alarm that played through my unheard ears. it woke me up. get a fresh bath, get things settle, and here she is, an examination candidate!!!!.wuhuuuuuu....what a nice holiday. i readied on the dining table with an orange tangerine book. really looked neared. but thats the first time if i'm not mistaken attending an examination with my family around. seriously it a merry. my mothers support brick my feet still on the ground and a father sacrifice Siemens my confidence. thanks you guys. i cant appreciate much. hope Allah will grant us with the best. i'll always do the best to make you proud of who am i, if not today on the following days....

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

shine in dark

dear day, tomorrow i'll be sitting for my IELTS exam. i dont really know what feeling should i put in. nervous definitely. please, i hope this will be the end. no more money need to be spend. i decided this will be the last. this will. please dear tongue, talk fluently and swift fully. dont easily get unnecessary tension or nervous. its gonna be fine. dont tell me u never talked before. in fact you talked a lot. it just that its not in English. heeee.doest it help? yes it will.

i'll always support you no matter how. just be cool. and dont forget to pray ok!

today, i went to my future working place. meet lots of new clique.there were very nice and kind. i was attached to a lovely friends. she asked me kindly and treat me patiently. i tried to drew the brightest smile that i could realizing that most probably they were to tired even to gaze at me. but they didn't. thank you so much to welcome me with the warmest hug that you could. Alhamdulillah it went swift even there was something in between. sorry to interrupt your room suddenly. i know u need to pay attention to others, so i sat quietly behind. gazing at the way you care for others. truly i make my love for you even brighter.

i hope in the future, i'll bring difference to your home. to our house. i bring HIM into it.he's always there, but we rarely acknowledge him. let make him being realized!

wait for me for a while,
GOD willing i'll come

Monday, 5 December 2011

kocong bacah!

that title have nothing to do with what im gonna write after this. it just that i love that words. it sound so damn cute. isnt it awin?. hahaha.start to miss that uncle comel.really weird but cute name.

i just realise that i have the same hobby as her. updating fb status. i could view my coming days updating my family and career status.replying his msg without any hesitate.ops!. .really hope to be bless with such family just the same or much better than her. subhanallah everything seems so nice

i dont really know what happens to ummi backdays. she started to ask ekah something weird yesterday
"ekah nak tak kahwin awal?" oh my! why did she asked ekah.ce tanye along.hehehe..of course ekah was so shocked of it. she just 17 mesti terpengaruh dengan ceramah "KAHWIN DI USIA MUDA" ni. hebat lah that ustaz could convince ummi on such course.

anyhow,,,abah still x agree on this topic. 
"lepas pHd"...
like serously abah?!!!

Sunday, 4 December 2011

seperti apa yang anda lihat

saya tak menafikan sedikit pun hak cinta terhadap negara. hatta Rasulullah sendiri turut meminta kita mencintai negara. namun untuk apa?. itu yang penting. tak salah mencintai namun perlu sedar hakikat cinta itu sendiri. kita tidak berjuang hanya untuk negara semata-mata. kita jadikan negara sebagai metode dan wadah kepada perjuangan dan cita-cita yang lebih besar.KEGEMILANGAN ISLAM.

sekiranya itu yang mereka lihat, pasti pembentukkan individu sangat significant. namun saya lihat kurang disitu. bagaimana mampu kita bina sebuah rumah sekiranya pasak dan tiang rapuh? bolehkah?.tak mungkin. mungkin untuk sebentar namun bukan untuk terus kekal sebagaimana gahnya pemerintahan khalifah Islam terdahulu.

wahai saudara,
luaskan pandangan matamu.pandanglah dunia dengan mata akirat, maka kau akan melihat lebih dari hanya sekadar itu.

balik BTN

owkay u alls,,,
akak baru balik BTN. pening kepala pikir. and seriously i dont have any mood at all to talk anything about it. anggap jelah mcm kem motivasi. at least i get to read my badai semalam and isteri.

nina dan selimutnya (seriously dobi die wangi!!!)

beberapa minit sebelum nak balik weeee~.exam die mmg mcm sejarah spm sikit2. but aku keluar awal time exam tu. so tak dapatlah nak 'discuss' ngan diorang sangat.sob...sob..sob..takpelah tawakal jelah. i get other opportunity cost at least! InsyaAllah lulus. keep mentioning it in my mind repeatedly.

saya pernah nampak gambar sebegini dimana2.cuma watak je lain. anda perasan? mesti tak kannnn

OK back to work.tade mood nak cerite something best.

Saturday, 26 November 2011

tersasarkah kita atau kurang bersyukur

Assalamualaikum buat rakan2 seiman dan selamat pagi yang indah buat yang selain itu. walaupun aku tau je thiis blog belum pun aku public kan balik. manalah tau satu hari nanti, nak terpublic kan balik. so at leasrt theres appropriate greeting for all of u.

woke up for subuh on the second of unplanned day really force me to bump my head again, on that nice cozy pink pillow. malasnya!!!. but because i felt so bad to Allah, i forced myself to muttered few zikir ma'thurat and my hafazan.then? its still early... sleep or not?

i saw my untouched lappy on my blue bag. didn't say anything perhaps but i open it. as usual scrolled through my FB.notification and the pregnant discussion.bla..bla..bla...then? open YG..hoping for something actually which Alhamdulillah it wasn't there.but there was something else. post by hilal Asyraf. he said : what if u died last night?

i was stuck by his word. what if?i didn't even planed anything yesterday.just shifted by the flow. thought of reading badai semalam, but i left it befriend with isteri hanaoka seishu on my bed in fb from morn. balas dendam konon

it just the matter of you don't appreciate the time that god had fated for you. it a chance by the way. i had friend who died at the same age of us. did he expect it? i dont think so. he dont even know it. (ok maybe he realise it) it can be anytime. so please self. be grateful to any single chance that he had gave you. its become limited day by day. who known tomorrow. OK i get it. lets start working on my plan. pfffttt...but i simply blank of any plan this 2 days before btn. will update another issue later


Friday, 25 November 2011

terlalu mahu

saya terlalu mahu sa[a ade compilation HALAQAH sentuhan kalbu. sungguh2 nak. masa2 mcm ni baru tfikir, kalau nak cerita korea, tak payah susah2 nak cari. belum suarakan har\srat,,berduyun2 orang offer. sekarang ni running man pulak. sungguh tak masuk lagi sense fever aku. penat dah mcm try nak ikut arus. aku ke yg ttinggal?..tapi mmg tak minat aku nak ikut. dan aku bersyukur kerana tak ada that adict. sapa nak offer aku such movie. halaqah sentuhan kalbu. tak buat aku ketawa, tapi buat aku mangis. sedar hakikat hidup.

how can i?

rewinding up all those days that I live. all those paths that I choosed, make my mind trigger a question,
 how can i used to have such crush!...
make me feel ashame of what actually shape my mind to have such perception on such people. really it reflect your iman!
subhanallah, never let me turn again

math sudah mari!

ok keje sudah call, need to off!
see ya


owh dearest FB! welcome home. notification not that much..hahaha..i was expecting more. nampak sangat i ni taklah penting could notification shows that? at least batter lah than mai,,,she only got 7..thats my average daily notification..hahhaha

anyway dear,
the last semester is waiting.let show some SAKINAH!

cant wait to fly
yep...saya suka benda yang terbang.ada masalah?

Tuesday, 22 November 2011


saya tak marah tapi saya sedih. how could you do that?..we loved you and i thought that enough.but you showed us that it, ikutlah...i'll always pray that HE will always be in our heart. and again...we love you..

puasa facebook and twitter

maka dengan ini saya ____________, berhasrat nak puase FB and twitter sampai balik dari medan perang ni. huhuhu..boleh caye ke? inya Allah setakat harini dah seminggu lebih kurang tak bertegur sape ngan FB.mesti tkejut beruk mark zukerbergh lame x jumpe aku.woot..woot..sabarlah ye

meh nak kabo

huwa, exam week. dan seperti biase, makin ramai orang atas katli aku. dulu share ngan encik printer. terselit2lah aku atas katil tu.nasib je tak pnah tgolek kebawah..duooom!..ntah x ingat. sekarang encik2 buku pulak bermaharajalela. is your day. aku balik umah, conquer satu queen punye katil with no even a book on it.definetly. huwaaa...sampai ke hari tu???. aku dah takut nak buat ape2 perancangan,  aku tak sure aku hidup lagi masa depan. adeh, biarlah hari nie je. nampak macam bagus, teori ni sama aku praktik untuk exam maha tiba-tiba ni. esok nak exam..pulun silibus malam2. adeh, maunye aku mcm spongebob kering gamaknye. layan jelah.aduhai minggu yang menyeksa. tapi serius untuk pertama kalinya tidurku tidak berteman dengan mana2 istilah IA,labrepport,EE ( tak tau lagi, khamis ni nak jumpe cikgu balik).baru aku rasa sikit macam student.seriously,,,slama ni duduk KMB mcm 'sampah' bak kata cikgu azna. kehulur ke hilir kejar bende yang bukan study directly lah..taska bla...bla..

sumpah tak sabar aku nak cuti. cuti mendenye, 2 hari then kem Bina Iman Didada..ops biro tatanegara lah pulak. ni die campak aku ke melaka. terpisahlah kami seketika. huwawawa...geng2 bising semua sumbat kat group 1. tinggallah yang ayu2 gitew kat group 3. aku tak kesahlah. janji 2hb nak balik.start pulak IELTS yang bakal tamat dengan jayanya 10hb nanti. 9 band aku wei...nantikan...muahaha...

Monday, 31 October 2011


walllaaa,,,,another day of mood-y-ly mood is coming.welcome d day. pffffttt.. confuse like hanging everywhere.and im stuck in one of it. trying to escape but ill jump into another same. at this point i dont know what could calm me down,,really i've put that distance with him. remembering him vividly seem no longer give
any effect to me. seriously,,im kinda lost somewhere,,ive lost my love one. owh no,the one that love me. oooo Allah, me know nothing to do. taking each step seems that the key to keep me drive has no longger there. im holding it again myself all alone.

what??? am i mumbling about. it just that, things didn't turn to what we im kinda miserable at the momment.any number are engage. arghh...ok i should get back to my life and workssss..till then,bubye

sory for making you hear such thing. i was hoping to write something better to you. but im a-bit-y negative right now,,how im suppose to see the sun when im at night. anyway hope your day much better,arent you?

btw, just to get u update with my new hobbiee...


ape pasallah mai nie

bakal2 dr,,aceccece..
atas permintaan ramai..presenting..elisha..hohohoho

Thursday, 20 October 2011


bukanlah pasal noh hujan or whatever,
 tangan nie menulis saat bumi sedang dirembeskan oleh manik2 hujan. lebat sangat..dan sangat nyaman...dan saya sangat suka. 
suke ape?
 suka waktu hujan lah. segala tentang hujan saya suka. especially bunyi hujan, suhu time hujan. sangat tak sama dengan bukak kipas even full speed. Subhanallah, cantik angin yang Allah cipta. aircond pun kalah!
bila hujan..teringat masa dekat kolej lama. berduyun-duyun manusia menadah tangan..."waktu mustajab berdoa!"..even if kami tengah makan. stop sekejap hal2 makan, sbb nak berdoa punye pasal..sekarang?..heh..suasana tu mmg lah mcm terlalu ideal untuk diadakan balik. but roh tu yang penting. terbanglah kemanapun...kita tidak beramal kerana suasana. but of course semua tak semudah yang dulu. tapi inilah kesempatan mencari ikhlas..
teringat quote yang terpapar kat hall "pink" yang setiap hari tengok.
 "sesungguhnya burung pipit yang hinggap disini bakal terbang seperti helang"
..quote ni dalam arab actually but i couldn't find the arabic version. betulkah helang?..sepatutnya...bukan senang tapi bukan mustahil. perjalanan kita setiap hari, Allah beri banyak support system untuk itu. tak Allah letak kita terdampar sendiri. Alhamdulillah, sehingga hari ini masih kelihatan manusia2 itu. nak dengan tak nak je....

(huhuhu..where did i put my spirit?)

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

did i change?

entah..tak tau nak tulis ape lagi lepas tu
just nak state...did i change?

the precious 50 minute (almost)

sory, didnt even have the chance to take two with umar!
pheww...pengalaman yang sangat menakjubkan. jaga umar yusuf and u are in academic session! bawak umar jalan2 tu mmg x de masalh...tapi bile tang bawak botol susu die,,mmg aku tak ubah mcm mak2 dh jadinye.
sumpah, sangaaaat best. its like..entah..somehow menjawab beberape soalan yang aku sendiri tak berani nak tanye. first hand experience. and aku tak rasa aku mampu nak jadi a student "mummy"..not at the momment lah..anyway,,kanak2 mmg x pernah membosankan.sangat menarik dalam segala hal. and bende yang paling aku tak sabar is that when you have someone that really depend on you. no matter what other people sogok, once that child see you, they will run towards you. nothing can compare to that feeling. im waiting for that day insyaAllah..pergh...hahaha..bajet macam besar sangat. saya melihat isu perkahwinan sangat jauh,,but i cant stop myself  dreaming about own.. seronok kan ade anak sendiri...

but dont you think Allah also think that way. yelah, he's the one who created us. but still we more prefer to hang on other people rather than HIM first.

mabrouk to kak anisah for the new born
welcome to the family!

Monday, 17 October 2011

i love when im green

called ummi,
get things settle
and i just love when im green
how nice everything. its like rearranging ur mind as well

at last, i carved my name on it. we gonna be good friend until 27/10/2011


sungguh tak selesa aku hari ni.dari women problem sampai sebesar2 alam punye problem...semua podok di bahuku hari nie..adeh..nak selebeh bahu ni kalau boleh. 
ok let define to day as hari merungut sedunia. 
kesian awin..banyak giler aku bebel hari ni. semua sudutn tak kena. bukan lah aku ni sakit sangat ke hape...cume seronok mengeluh2 ni. sebenarnye xdelah serius memana.
i dont think today run so smoothh. pernah ke mana2 hari kat KMB smooth?.. i really need my life back!..kelam kabut sangat. dah le kite ni mmg jenis kene atur satu2. once ade bende out of control mulelah aku naikkan bendera putih ..SURENDER!!!!.tapi sebab banyak faktor...aku jalan lah jugak.
anyway thanks to ekah yang tolong downloadkan bunyi hujan....i was hearing to it all the way to class. its like being in my own world. with no one over. i want to throw my bag and run as fast as i can..and hope to see a beutiful scenery infront.hate all those blocks and bricks. so unnatural!
semua bende tak kene. what is happening to me. im too miserable right now.which path should i take. rasenye mcm semua jalan dh try. tapi akhir2 mcm ni jugak..huhuhu

to whom it may concern,
i cant think of anything else to replace ur gift. i know its not as direct and good as the 'gift' but they said its a motivational book. me myself in the state of reading cant sure u sory if any part in it touch you,,its about mother's love.sory if it is... anyhow, if you think and look deeper, perhaps you'll see more than just that. read between lines!.
happy reading

to others who might not know this,
from far

Saturday, 15 October 2011

berape lama lagi

awak fikir berape lama saya akan ada disini?
me myself don't know it
sometimes i think it is better to be different
but to some extent i dont think so
y i keep on meeting people who are from other side?
ade clue ape2 ke?
i dont think i'll belong here
there'll be a day which i''ll say goodbye

kecuali something unexpected happen

Sunday, 9 October 2011

where's my kite?

i searched for my kite just now. it was not there. 
then i remember..
I've given it to someone. 
take a good care of it..will you?

with the warmest smile that i can drew


officially it end
and need to get back


sebenarnye xdelah siap betul pown..

Saturday, 8 October 2011

steve jobs

patutlah asyik dengar nama die je
 anyway, here is a very nice post to share
it had inspired me
maybe you
who knows

Friday, 7 October 2011


nice shot..insyaAllah
zainol,(forgot his name),farhan,err

more than friends.whenever you go, i pray that Allah's blessing is with you


somehow i think it is related to most of us
thus i just wanna share it with all you readers
to those who already in this path, never give up because you wont know that might be the next second is the moments that would make changes. like what an imam said that we should always do good deeds because we won't know which of our act that will grant us the blessing of Allah

to those who are still in the urge of searching,
try hard. HE is the source of love. HE'll guide you to it. no matter how. anyhow it depends on your willingness to search for it. the lights is there

to those who didn't even understand what this all about
i pray to Allah that someday we''ll meet a great person and from him,HE'll open our eyes to the beautiful side of life. 

(click on it, and happy reading)

love u guys as always~

kenapa perlu

kenapa kita perlu gembira melalui dia
bukankah kegembiraan itu berbeza
kenapa perlu di stictkan apa yang ingin kita lakar di awan
hanya kerana lakaran dia di bumi

sometimes, u need to let go something even if you love the person
because both of you  just to different 
he's not in you dream 
then why you need to get into his dream in the first place?
you have you own potential to create your own rainbow
without even the initial by him

do fly with your own feather
i hope to see you soon
with a brighter smile
believe me you can
you didn't even tried
you'll never know

that is his way but not your
you'll meet thousand other people

get it?

hope you do

luv u as always

Thursday, 6 October 2011

they said..

"A doctor can heal flu, deep wound,mend a broken leg, but not a broken heart.."

how do you so sure on that? 
depends on what type of doctor u meet.
even the word doctor is to broad

there was once i 'meet' a doctor as well as a heart sealer
she's so good
because she knows her aim and target
being a doctor is just a reason for it 

saya pernah juga bertemu yang bukan pun doktor
tapi segenap episod hidup saya
dialah syifa'
my beloved ummi
tak pernah genggam sijil kedoktoran
tapi pakar dalam mana2 pun penyakit anak2 dia
saya ingat masa ummi sendiri jadi doktor membuat minor operation to my hand. and later than my sister got the same disease, and we took her to the clinic.
guess what!
the doctor did just the same like my ummi did for me

when you do something because of love, u'll able to fly beyond your own or others expectation
thats why HE did asked us to do something all heartedly

happy amal!

this photo did made me eager to have my own young caliph
insyaAllah, long term investment!




lama lagi ke dik?
jap la akak, diorang tgh take photo tu
ingat hilang
dh jadi macam hacker je tekan2 password
saya dan lebah masih disini

banyak bende hilang dalam hidup kta tapi kita tak sedar. hanya sedar bile kita mahu menggunakan kembali. sedar tak masa semakin hilang?
susah nak sedar because we rarely use our time again
time is disposable
u use it just once!



ape yang owh nye
KISAS rupenye
patutlah banyak experience kite same
perhaps he gone throught the same things
but what made him stay at this path?
should asked him?
i dont think so for the time being

Monday, 3 October 2011

the quest (2)

kalah hari ni


hujung2 tu problem

 tahu dan mahu mmg contradict!

kerana mencari kasih
ku tinggalkan daerah ini
walau ku temu banyak taman dan bidadari 
kerana aku yakin daerah sana 
lebih abadi


Sunday, 2 October 2011

the quest

baru balik

tetngiang-ngiang lagi words from kak Aini
insyaAllah, its not an easy matter but need to



adeh,,,awal2 lagi macam dah kalah.tapi takpe2..i'll stive for it .

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

jom susun selipar!

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera adik2 dan abang2 (ops..saya ade satu abang je )
hari ni ape saya nak merepek ye. takdelah, tadi masa nak ke surau. 
(acecece...bajet baiklah nie.bukan bajet,,tapi itu yang mesti kita buat!)

berbalik kepada cerita,,sewaktu saya nak membuka selipar, saya ternampak selipar yang tidak bersusun dihadapan surau. oleh sebab sewaktu masih belum ramai berpusu2 ke surau, maka agak senang kerja2untuk menyusun dijalankan.
tengah susun..dialog ni keluar

"yang mula-mula datang kene susun seliper, barulah yang kemuadian akan ikut"

dan alhamdulillah, sejurus selepas maghrib, saya kembali ke pintu..dan..dan..dan..
mmg selipar lebih tersusun dengan lebih kemas dari kebiasaan (dengan kapasiti jemaah dalam 15 orang kowt..bayangkan 30 selipar!)

apa yang cuba saya nak sampaikan sekarang ialah, perlunya seorang pemula yang kembali membetulkan apa yang semakin parah dan tak betul dalam masyarakat. saya sedar, kerjanya bukan semudah menyusun selipar namun saya yakin dengan keazaman san semangat yang kuat,,,kita mampu bawa perubahan!
kita perlu membina dan meluaskan pradigm kita supaya kita mampu memahami cara gerak pikir masyarakat. Kita perlu memahami apa keperluan masyarakat dan masuk mengikut kemahuan mereka.

contohilah kepemimpinan rasulullah
sungguh, apa yang dibawanya adalah sangat ganjil dan luar kebiasaan masyarakat jahiliyyah pada ketika itu
namun percayalah, fitrah manusia sudah lama menagihkan kedamaian dan cinta HAKIKI
siapa lagi yang ingin membantu
kalau bukan kita?

"dan paling kurang, tunjukkanlah pada akhlakmu.kamu cerminan Islam"

bukan semua mampu menyambung kerja2 Rasulullah, namun kita mampu pamerkan akhlak yang terbaik bukan?

aku juga sama sepertimu
melayang bak burung berterbangan
mengharap ada sebuah dahan tempat berteduh 
namun semuanya rapuh
kerap kali aku terjatuh ke bumi,
namun banyak tangan yang menyambut
terima kasih untuk itu,
namun sampai bilakah kita hanya mahu menjadi penarik?
tidak mahukah kita bina dahan yang kukuh?
kelak banyak burung bisa berdiri disitu


Sunday, 25 September 2011


look there!
here it come
the door that im waiting for.
may it is unlocked this time
really need to get out

thanks you so much for dragging me to another sites


_____not the one!!

how i hope u guys can see how happy i am
thanks for keep on praying
may we meet someday

how im suppose to?

i felt really bad todays seeing people growing so fast .still standing. i thought they seem to do the same thing. how fast time flies isnt it?.sigh..i've thought of doing that 1000 time or maybe millions. how frustrated i am right now. please..i do care every single things about what is going on right now. can i have my own world.. i use to hope what is happening to me now to happen in the past. but definetly it makes my life miserable like upside downdie. all stuff. i even lost my own identity. to some extent i do like the quote to see but not to be seen. it far more beter feelings like what im having now. im suppose to act?

Friday, 23 September 2011

itukah aku? itukah kita?

sebentar tadi saya berkesempatan mengikuti satu event by IP about....time management. cliche je kan tajuk tu. masa saya mula-mula dengar kepala saya diasak dengan pelbagai kebarangkalian point2 normal.

susun atur tertib displin..bla..bla..blaa 

and yes that is what i heard. quite a similar things but theres one things that i experienced it for the first time. perhaps the first time
there was a time where we need to arrange our time table plan in 15 minutes. at first, we've being doing it slow and steady. then masa dah nak habis barulah terkocoh-kocoh semua orang. alim dengan segera merampas marker dari raziq, dini rap laju sangat..abis semua nombor keluar..aku?...sama rap ngan dini..heheh..but the most important things...
 tapi not in the range of time

y so serius elly huh?
mcm teka no ekor..seriously!

ahli syuro perangka masa depan
masa presenter tengah present, sesuatu menerjah masuk rongga kepala.

itukah aku? itukah kita. saban hari diasak dengan pelbagai perkara. itu dan ini. kembali semula ini dan itu. pusing hanya di takuk situ. tak ubah seperti mesin ciptaan manusia. mana perginya emosi dan akal.ya,,mungkin itulah aku. berkejaran kesana kemari hanya untuk sesuatu yang belum pasti dan ganjaran sedikit cuma. lalu ku ketepikan sesuatu yang besar dengan habuan tidak berbelah bahagi. hanya kerana esok belum mampir ke mata.

jadikan hidup bermatlamat.nescaya teratur gerak kerja. bukan daku salahkan dunia kerana ia hamparan buat meniti hari kemudian. namun, sangat penting untuk kita meletakkan sasaran dan kembali menggunakan akal ciptaan Allah, bukan sekadar berfikir..tetapi turut berzikir.

apa pun yang kita kejar, hujungnya masih sama. kamu lambat dia cepat. hujungnya masih sama...

language not latters


just to address the most unexpected person that i've meet least for the time being

sometimes,,not every language by letters