Monday 5 December 2011

kocong bacah!

that title have nothing to do with what im gonna write after this. it just that i love that words. it sound so damn cute. isnt it awin?. hahaha.start to miss that uncle comel.really weird but cute name.

i just realise that i have the same hobby as her. updating fb status. i could view my coming days updating my family and career status.replying his msg without any hesitate.ops!. .really hope to be bless with such family just the same or much better than her. subhanallah everything seems so nice

i dont really know what happens to ummi backdays. she started to ask ekah something weird yesterday
"ekah nak tak kahwin awal?" oh my! why did she asked ekah.ce tanye along.hehehe..of course ekah was so shocked of it. she just 17 mesti terpengaruh dengan ceramah "KAHWIN DI USIA MUDA" ni. hebat lah that ustaz could convince ummi on such course.

anyhow,,,abah still x agree on this topic. 
"lepas pHd"...
like serously abah?!!!

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