Saturday 27 August 2011


hahah..i kinda funny to read my previous post back.seriously im not eligible enough to become a doctor. org kata hati die "lembut" sangat. definitely that is my weakness since...(entahlah)

datanglah mana2 bangala jual karpet or org mintak derma..hati aku will be so sayu to look at them.and once people shout at me i can take only 2 second to cry. pathetic betul la..but i like the way i am. yes..i like to cry. tak kesahlah ape org nak kata. ciwek..jiwang..aku pun tak pernah kesah kalu org lain asyik nak terjerit. this is me. bare with it (if you think worth doing so)
haisy..lama dh x mengeluh.seronok pulak kadang2 buat. u noe what theres one fact which i think very interesting. kenapa bila kite mengeluh kita akan rasa like relieve sket? kenape?kenape?..


ade org kata adanye huruh "H" kat situ.mcm kite let go beban yang kite ade. the same when u sebut ALLAH. END DIE SAMA KAN. and kite akan tenang dengan selalu menyebut ALLAH.

so rather than asyik mengeluh ADUHHH...change to ALLAH..

try it...

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