hai D,
banyak giler things happen to me this 3 days
let us summaries it
i visited my former school.
get to meet lots of my beloved teacher
dear ustaz,ustazah,teacher and cikgu
aku pun tak tau what are the things that initiate me to do so. but one of it is that
theres was one day i was talking to a teacher in college
then the teacher said
"ada senior awk datang harini.itulah sebenarnye hadiah paling besar buat seorang cikgu.tgk u guys datang dengan kejayaan..."
lebih kurang mcm nilah dialog dia.short-term memmory.tak mampu lagi nak berdiri sama level ngan imam syafie yang mcm scanner minda beliau.Karomah...
then the things really trigger me to act the same things
alhamdulillah sempat angkut sekali umi,khalies ngan naimah.
mestilah seronok dapat jumpe cgu lama. actually i lagi rapat dengan those teacher dekat sini rather than my first college. the school is very small that cause you to know most of them.even those yang tak mengajar you.
pg buat pasport international.since insyaAllah im flying to ACEH this jun for our humanitarian project
cant wait!
(insyaAllah i'll post the how-to-do next time)
pg bank CIMB. thought of changing my account to islamic account. aduh...riba woi..
but one thing yang sad is that the receptionist boleh tanye lagi kenapa nak tukar..
kak oiiiii.....mana boleh makan duit riba. tenatnye umat sekarang. nampak mcm ok tapi banyak lagi yang perlu kite belajar dan mengajar
but at last...bile ditimbal dan difikirkan jalan keluar..we decide to just stick to the one yang color merah tu. 2 tahun lagi habis je duit dari M***, tukar bank lain
"ye dik..untuk kebaikan dunia akhirat..marilah bertukar.." kate kakak dl gambar nie
but i manage to keluarkan semua duit and transfer ke my new account. BANK RAKYAT!!!!.
alhamdulillah. thanks to ya yang drive aku sampai ke sini
walaubagaimanapun...thanks to Allah who had arrange all those event in my life. dari kereta breakdown sampai dapat pujian melambung dari cikgu (ops..shouldn't have said right). insyaAllah, trully wanna said..
Alhamdulillah ya Allah
i start to realise that im no lonnger a kid to be pampered all the time.
im no longger a kid than can hope on others.
only YOU..
p/s : ibrah kereta break down...dapat makan dekat kedai ni.tomyam.butterscotch and icelemon tea...Alhamdulillah
mana butterscotch???